Wednesday, 28 April 2010 on 5:37am

BIOTROP Menyelenggarakan Pelatihan Nasional tentang Budidaya Sorghum

Twenty-three staff members of national universities, government and non-government organizations in Indonesia participated on ‘Training on Sorghum Cultivation to Support Program on Food, Feed and Industry’. The training was held on 19-24 April 2010 at BIOTROP and organized by SEAMEO BIOTROP  and The National Atomic Energy Agency (BATAN).

The course was led by Dr. Supriyanto, BIOTROP senior scientist. BIOTROP and BATAN have conducted a pilot project on sorghum cultivation in the BIOTROP field. Several strains of sorghum were planted with various treatments integrated within an agroforestry system.

The aim of this training was to socialize sorghum as one of the superior commodities to support food, feed and industry. It is hoped that the participants of the course could become nodes for spreading the sustainable sorghum cultivation and post-harvest technique.

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