Wednesday, 24 August 2016 on 2:23am

Dr Hartrisari receives 2016 West Java Initiative Award

SEAMEO BIOTROP Scientist, Dr Hartrisari Hardjomidjojo, was among the 14 awardees for 2016 Innovation, Initiative, and Pioneer Empowerment of West Java Community (Anugerah Inovasi, Prakarsa, dan Pelopor Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Jawa Barat) for environment initiative category during a ceremony held on 15 August 2016 at Gedung Sate, Jalan Diponegoro Bandung.

Dr. Hartrisari was recognized for her research on Decision Support System (DSS) on Spatial Planning for Food Security in West Java which she conducted in 2012 through the Centre’s DIPA funding. The DSS, which particularly focused on rice production, could help decision makers to define and determine policies to maximize rice production in potential areas as well as to prioritize rice distribution where rice production is low in West Java. In 2013, through a research grant from the Ministry of National Education of Indonesia, a follow-up research was carried out by Dr. Hartrisari and her team which included food commodities other than rice as well as competition in land utilization as other determinant factors in the DSS model. The research project was also selected as one of the 105 top innovations in Indonesia by the Ministry of Research and Technology of Indonesia in 2013.

As part of the award, Dr. Hartrisari received a plaque of recognition and cash prize from Mr. Ahmad Heryawan, West Java Governor.

The award is given to individuals who have innovative ideas, products, and processes that create positive changes towards the development of West Java. It also aims to motivate people to be more creative, innovative and actively participate in the development of West Java.

For both the above mentioned research works, Dr Hartrisari was assisted by Mr Harry Imantho, Manager of BIOTROP’s Knowledge Management Department, and Mr. Desi Suyamto, Assistant Lecturer at the International M.Sc. Degree Program in Information Technology for Natural Resources Management from the Bogor Agricultural University (IPB).

BIOTROP has already published a book on Dr. Hartisari’s research on Decision Support System on Spatial Planning for Food Security in 2013.

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