SEAMEO BIOTROP , Center for Disaster Studies (PSB) LPPM IPB University and PI AREA, Campaign the Loss and Damage Concept Through International Workshop Wednesday, 18 August 2021 on 12:43pm

SEAMEO BIOTROP , Center for Disaster Studies (PSB) LPPM IPB University and PI AREA, Campaign the Loss and Damage Concept Through International Workshop

SEAMEO BIOTROP, in collaboration with the Center for Disaster Studies (PSB), LPPM IPB University and PI AREA held an International Workshop with the theme "Mainstreaming Loss and Damage Among ASEAN Countries" on July 31, 2021 through online platform. This activity aimed to increase knowledge, understanding, and awareness of community regarding the concept of loss and damage in climate change, and mainstreaming the principles of loss and damage in daily life. A total of 156 participants of representatives of central and local governments, non-governmental organizations, various communities, associations and schools, development partners to various universities, academics and researchers were participated in this event.

The international workshop was officially opened by the Head of LPPM IPB University, Dr. Ernan Rustiadi, M.Agr. The keynote speaker, Dr. Zulhamsyah Imran, S.Pi ,the Director of SEAMEO BIOTROP, delivered speech on the topic of loss and damage from a biodiversity perspective. ”Biodiversity as the most affected factor, the challenges we face, when we lose biodiversity and loss and damage mechanisms solution in biodiversity perspective”, he said.

This virtual workshop featured the following speakers:
  1. Sonny Mumbunan, Ph.D. from the Research Center for Climate Change, Universitas Indonesia, which presented the topic of the importance of mainstreaming loss and damages with the developmental point of the development of loss and damage issues in Indonesia, loss and damage and its impact on various fields that appear due to climate change, loss and damage assessment due to climate change and its challenges. 
  2. Mark De La Paz M.Sc,  of the Conservation Marine Biologist from Bacolond, Philippines with the topic of loss and damage to the sea and its resources with the point of conveying the role of the ocean in controlling climate circulation and supporting life, ocean issues in dealing with climate change, especially in Southeast Asia and loss and damage to marine resources and their impact on humans.
  3. Prihadi Adhie, M.MB,  Disaster Management Expert and MetroTV News Anchor, who delivered the topic appropriate management of disasters due to climate change, delivery of potential disasters due to climate change in Indonesia and the most appropriate disaster management for disasters caused by climate change.
  4. Mahawira S. Dillon, M.Sc, The Indonesia Cerah Foundation, with the topic loss and damage in sustainable development, with the point adoption of renewable energy technology as a solution to overcome loss and damage in ASEAN vulnerable countries, overcoming the challenges of urbanization and improving people's welfare in ASEAN and realizing sustainable development with renewable energy.
  5. Annisa Hasanah, M.Si, the founder of Ecofunopoly with the topic of the best efforts and strategies for public awareness with the point the importance of raising public awareness regarding loss and damage, the most appropriate strategy or method to raise public awareness. (rf).

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