Monday, 19 November 2012 on 4:04am

SEAMEO BIOTROP Seals R&D Collaboration with Marine Aquaculture Development Centre Lombok

SEAMEO BIOTROP  formalized its research and development collaboration with the Marine Aquaculture Development Centre  (Balai Budidaya Laut, BBL) Lombok during the signing of Memorandum of Understanding  (MoU) held  at the latter’s station in Gerupuk, Lombok on 9 November 2012.  Marine Aquaculture Development Centre Lombok is also designated as the Indonesian National Seaweed Center .

The MoU is aimed at enhancing the quality and productivity of cottonii seaweed farming  in Indonesia  towards helping achieve the country’s  target to be one of the world’s leading exporters and, at the same time, improve the living condition of seaweed farmers .  It is also to continue the initial collaboration established by SEAMEO BIOTROP with BBL while conducting its research project on “Acclimatization and Field Cultivation of Regenerated Cottonii Seaweed (Kappaphycus alvarezii Doty) from Tissue Culture in Coastal Areas” since March 2012.

Under the MoU, SEAMEO BIOTROP will  provide (1) expertise in conducting research on improving the quality and propagation techniques for cottonii seaweed production; (2) expertise in designing and implementing training of farmers on seaweed production using the cottonii seaweed seedlings produced by the Centre, and (3) cottonii seaweed seedlings for propagation and stocking purposes at INSC.

On the other hand, BBL will (1) make its facilities available for research and training purposes related to this agreement;  (2) assign staff members to provide logistical and technical support in the conduct of research and training activities related to this agreement; and (c) coordinate with relevant government agencies, nongovernment organizations, and farmers’ groups that would be involved in implementing activities under this agreement.

The MoU is  effective until 2014.

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