Sunday, 16 September 2018 on 5:00pm

The First Training on Utilization of Drone for Research Activities provided by BIOTROP

SEAMEO BIOTROP held a training on the utilization of drone for research activities for the first time on 4-6 September 2018 in its headquarter. This training aimed to understand the basic methods of aerial photography, to process the aerial photography data, and to learn aerial photography tips and tricks to support research activities.
The training featured two GIS and Remote Sensing experts from the Knowledge Management Department and the Remote Sensing and Ecology laboratory of the Centre, namely Mr. Armaiki Yusmur, M.Si, and Mr. Slamet Widodo S., S.Si, as the resource persons who delivered the materials in class and practicum sessions.

Topics given covered: 1) Introduction to aerial photography using unmanned aircraft; 2) Flight planning and UAV flight operations; 3) Manual and automatic flight operations; 4) Data processing techniques of aerial photography using Agisoft and online software; and 5) Tips and tricks of aerial photography in the world of research.

Participants joining this activity were Ms. Rina Megasari and Ms. Susanna Endy K., S.Sos, from Living Environment and Cleanliness Services (DLHK) of Tangerang Regency; Mr. Andre Apriharyandi from Tanjungpura University; Mr. Feri Ferdinan Alamsyah from Pakuan University; and Mr. Muhammad Banda Selamat from Hasanuddin University.

An unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), commonly known as a drone, is an aircraft without a human pilot aboard. Utilization of drone in photography begins to become a trend since it adds the quality of the photos produced. Thus, drone is also used in research field to better visualize research activities and disseminate the results.

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