BIOTROP Formulates the Concept of Agroecoedutourism Program Tuesday, 08 September 2020 on 3:25pm

BIOTROP Formulates the Concept of Agroecoedutourism Program

SEAMEO BIOTROP performed a Workshop and Focused Group Discussion on Development and Management of Agroecoedutourism Program in a Participatory and Comprehensive manner on 25-27 August 2020, attended by 24 staff engaged in the Centre’s regular visitor program. This activity was intended to formulate and compile the concept of agroecoedutourism in BIOTROP; to develop management plans of agroecoedutourism objects and development permits; to identify tourism objects and current conditions; and to collect information and input for the document preparation of BIOTROP agroecoedutourism object development plan.

Agroecoedutourism is a combination of tourism that utilizes landscapes (ecoparks) and technology tourism (edutourism) based on agriculture (agro-tourism) as attractions and tourist destinations for visitors. This program aims to foster harmonious relations between humans and their environment through the utilization of natural potential for tourism purposes by taking into account aspects of natural and environmental preservation, socio-economic conditions, culture and visitor desires; to increase scientific activities and scientific development; and to increase BIOTROP's visibility as a center for tropical biological technology and innovation.

“SEAMEO BIOTROP has been developed as a community learning park since 2016. As part of the learning park, the agroecoedutourism program will bring more benefits to the community,” said Dr Irdika Mansur, BIOTROP Director, in his opening remarks. “The development of this program is also supported by the strategic location of the Center, which is close to the shopping center, modern and exclusive housing, animal tourism spots and Bogor culinary spots.”

He added that the Centre has various fields of science and technology that are useful to society, such as hydroponics, aquaponics, aquaculture, tissue culture, nurseries, mushroom cultivation, natural products, composting, and entomology. The Centre will develop existing facilities and infrastructure so that they can be enjoyed and become a source of inspiration for the scientific community and the general public in relation with the utilization of tropical biology resources.

This activity featured Hikmat Eka Karyadi, MM, Manager of Agro-tourism at PT Perkebunan Nusantara VIII; Atep Budiman, MM, Head of the Bogor City Tourism Office; and Dr Awang Maharijaya, Head of Center for Tropical Horticulture Studies, IPB University, as the resource persons. They delivered presentation on Sharing Experiences in Building an Agro Tourism, Management and Licensing of Tourist Attractions in Bogor City, and Tajur Fruit Orchard, respectively. The Centre also invited Dr Ricky Pandora, Associate Professor on Ecotourism Planning at Department of Forest Conservation & Ecotourism, IPB University, to give talk about Agroecoedutourism Development and Business Strategic Plans, and to act as a facilitator during the focus group discussion on Orientation Mapping and Stakeholder Reference, and Compilation of Development and Business Strategic Plan Documents. Through this workshop and focus group discussion, a concept note of the agroecoedutourism program was produced. (zsp)

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