Tuesday, 02 August 2011 on 3:19pm

SEAMEO BIOTROP conducts 6th Regional Training workshop on the Biodiversity and Conservation of Bryophytes and Lichens

For the sixth time, SEAMEO BIOTROP Trained 17 researchers and lecturers from six countries in Southeast Asia on the Biodiversity and Conservation of Bryophytes on 11-17 July 2011 at its headquarter in Bogor, Indonesia. The participants came from Indonesia (9), Malaysia (2), the Philippines (2), Thailand (1), Timor Leste (1), and Vietnam (2).
Coordinated by Dr. Sri S. Tjitrosoedirdjo, SEAMEO BIOTROP scientist, the training workshop was aimed to address the need to enhance the knowledge and stimulate the interest of young researchers to study the diversity, economic importance and conservation of bryophytes and lichens in Southeast Asia.

For seven days, the participants received lectures in classroom discussions with distinguished experts in the study of bryophytes and lichens and also intensive practical works at the laboratory. The lecture included Prof. Dr. S. R. Gradstein from National History Museum, Paris, France; Prof. Dr. Benito C. Tan from  National University of Singapore; Dr. Wanaruk Saipunkaew from  Chiang Mai University, Thailand; Dr. Harry Wiriadinata from Herbarium Bogoriense, Cibinong Bogor;, Dr. Nunik S. Ariyanti, Dr. Lisdar Sudirman, Saiful Bachri, Fibo Aditya & Marinda S. Sofiana from Bogor Agricultural University. SEAMEO BIOTROP researchers namely: Dr. Sri S. Tjitrosoedirdjo, Mr. Imam Mawardi, Mr. Setiabudi, Ms. Sri Widayanti and Ms. Indah Wahyuni.

Aside from lectures and practical works, field trip to Halimun National Park  and Nirmala Tea Plantations, In West Java were conducted for the participants to observe the diversity of bryophytes and lichens. To complete the training experience and comply with requirements, the participants undertook individual research project focused on mosses, liverworts and lichens. The participants submitted and presented the results of their projects on the last day of the course.

The pre- and post-test showed significant results in terms of knowledge gained by the participants. The participants rated the training workshop highly in terms of its relevance, quality of resource persons and their teaching-learning methods and activities, and the services provided by SEAMEO BIOTROP.

Incidentally the participants also attended the symposium on the Mlesian Bryology and Lichenology on 18 July 2011 and one day field trip to Mt. Gede  Pangrango National Park and Cibodas Botanic Garden on 19 July 2011. The symposium highlighted the decade of studies done by SEAMEO BIOTROP on bryophytes and lichens mostly through its in house research and training alumni

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