Friday, 15 April 2011 on 2:30am

SEAMEO BIOTROP undertakes 14 GoI-funded research projects for 2011

SEAMEO BIOTROP recently started the implementation of 14 research projects for 2011  through  its scientists and partners with DIPA funding support from the Ministry of National Education of the Government of Indonesia (GoI).

After going through an external review process, the approved research projects are as follows:

1.    Biocharcoal and Boron Application for Increased Sweet Sorghum Production for Food, Feed, and Energy
2.    Control and Management of Merremia Peltata (Convolvulaceae) Invasions for Effective Wildlife Conservation at Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park in Lampung, Indonesia
3.    Postharvest Quality Improvement of Sorghum (Sorgum bicolor (L) Moench) Grains
4.    Assessment of  the Impacts of Global Warming in Fisheries Activities in Java Seas, Indonesia
5.    Development of Molecular Marker and Identication of Agarwood Inducing Gene(s) through Microsatellite and cDNA Library Construction
6.    Resistance Monitoring and Management of  Stored-Product Pests to Phosphine
7.    Detection of Aflatoxin and Apergillus Flavus in Milled Rice at Distribution Chains in West Java and West Nusa Tenggara Provinces
8.    Technical and Economic Feasibility of Air Classifier Machine in Recycling Municipal Solid Wastes
9.    Net Primary Production Spatial Distribution and Dynamic Simulation of C-based Evaluation
10.    Thallus regeneration from Callus of Cottonii Seaweed (Kappaphycus alvarezii Doty)
11.    Economical Growing Medium and Housing Model for the Cultivation of King Oyster Mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) under Lowland Condition
12.    Cultivation of Shiitake (Lentinula  edodes) and King Oyster  (Pleurotus eryngii) Mushrooms from Taiwan under Lowland Conditions of West Java, Indonesia
13.    Zonation of Seagrass Management Areas in Makassar Province Using Quickbird Imagery and GIS
14.    Conservation and Regeneration of Habitat of Iron Wood Tree (Eusideroxylon zwageri) in Kalimantan

These research projects are in line with the five program thrusts of SEAMEO BIOTROP under its 8th Five-Year Development Plan, namely:  (1) Pests and Diseases Management, (2) Natural Products and Waste Management, (3) Biosystematics, (4) Water Ecosystem and Coastal Zone Management, and (5) Biodiversity conservation.  They are expected to be completed by November 2011. (JF)

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