BIOTROP Leadership Management Program (BLMP) Workshop Series 1: "Initiative Improvement and Multitasking Jobs" Friday, 25 June 2021 on 11:15am

BIOTROP Leadership Management Program (BLMP) Workshop Series 1: "Initiative Improvement and Multitasking Jobs"

BIOTROP LEADERSHIP MANAGEMENT PROGRAM (BLMP) is a program to improve the competence of human resources in SEAMEO BIOTROP in supporting a better management system by improving managerial soft and hard skills in various expertise.  In general, the program will include a series of blended in-house workshops to trigger and maintain the leadership traits of the employees of SEAMEO BIOTROP.  The first series of the in-house workshop was held on 22 June 2021 with the theme “Initiative Improvement and Multitasking Jobs”.

“I do hope that this workshop will provide not only new knowledge, but also breakthrough and new ideas in accommodating initiatives and multitasking jobs as a skill that has to be owned by leaders and staff to support a better management system”, explained Dr Zulhamsyah Imran, the Director of SEAMEO BIOTROP, in his opening remarks.

The topics and resource persons of this workshop were: 1. Leadership Stimulation through Initiatives at Work (by Mr Bayu Nurbaya, ST, the Head of Risk and Quality Management Group at Jasa Marga Tbk.; and 2. Multitasking Work Strategy includes Time Management (by Mr Pratomo Bimawan Putra, ST, MEnt, the Head of TransJawa Tollroad Regional Division at Jasa Marga Tbk.  The workshop was actively participated by 30 participants, with Ms Dewi Suryani, MM, as the workshop's moderator.


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