Tuesday, 14 March 2017 on 2:42am

BIOTROP Conducts In-House Training on Online Course Development

BIOTROP scientists, research assistants and capacity building and information technology staff members completed an In-house Training on Online Course Development on 6-7 March 2017 in its Campus in Bogor.

BIOTROP requested the SEAMEO Regional Open Learning Centre (SEAMOLEC) to conduct the training in support of the program of the SEAMEO Secretariat for SEAMEO Centres to either convert their existing training courses into online format or develop new ones to widen the reach of their capacity building activities and benefit as much number of their stakeholders in the region. Thus, the Centre also opened the training to other staff members of SEAMEO Centres in Indonesia, namely:  Regional Centres for Quality Improvement and Education Personnel (QITEP) in Language, Science, and Mathematics, and Regional Centre for Food and Nutrition (RECFON).

In his opening remarks, BIOTROP Director Dr Irdika Mansur emphasized the importance of being flexible in implementing the Centre’s training activities to meet regional demands. He added that offering online courses would facilitate knowledge transfer to a much wider audience.  He also hoped that all Centers in Indonesia would be able to conduct joint online courses in the future.

After the training, the participants were expected to explain the concept of instruction design for online learning, formulate course outline, develop comprehensive online course design as well as develop and package learning object materials.

SEAMOLEC resource persons included Mr M. Muslim Rifa'i, Ms Zahrani Balqis, Ms Arie Susanty and Mr Dona Octanary.

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