Friday, 26 June 2015 on 8:05am

SEAMEO BIOTROP Calls for Research Proposals for 2016 and 2017 Implementation

SEAMEO BIOTROP is now accepting research proposals for its PhD Thesis Grant Program and Joint Research Program for implementation in 2016 and 2017.  The research theme for both Programs is Sustaining and Enhancing the Integrity and Productivity of Ecosystems in Southeast Asia.

This call for research proposals hopes to contribute to addressing ecosystem degradation in the region which is considered as one major factor that limits societies in achieving their sustainable development goals.  The Centre believes that deliberate research on how to sustain and enhance goods and services derived from ecosystems could bring about informed decision-making among governments in the region, formulating sound policies and providing appropriate investments and institutional reforms for more sustainable and effective ecosystem management.

The research theme has three strands, namely: ecological restoration, ecological protection and conservation, and ecological sustainability and productivity enhancement focusing specifically on forests and mangroves. For further details on the call for proposal, please click here.

SEAMEO BIOTROP has benefited 36 PhD students from Indonesia through its PhD Thesis Grant Program since it was launched in 2011.  The Program generally aims to increase the number of qualified human resources in higher learning institutions and government agencies where the grantees are affiliated with the expectation that they would contribute to the development of Indonesia in the area of tropical biology and natural resources management.  Please click here for guidelines to join this Program.

The Joint Research Program, on the other hand, is aimed to promote scientific collaborations among government research and academic institutions in Southeast Asia to address common development concerns of countries in the region along the program thrusts of SEAMEO BIOTROP.  The Centre has awarded grants to three research projects involving researchers from the Philippines and Malaysia under this Program since 2012. Please click here for guidelines to join this Program.

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