Friday, 02 November 2012 on 2:39am

SEAMEO BIOTROP Training Highlights Importance of Mapping Shallow Water Benthic Habitat

SEAMEO BIOTROP trained 33 Indonesian nationals on Mapping of Geomorphology and Shallow Water Benthic Habitat  on 15-18 October 2012 at its headquarter in Bogor.

In opening the training course, SEAMEO BIOTROP Deputy Director for Programme Dr. Jesus C. Fernandez emphasized the importance of shallow water benthic habitat in helping conserve and manage flora and fauna species that live in mangroves, sea-grass meadows, flat muds, coral reefs, estuaries and beaches that make up this habitat.  Thus,  mapping this  habitat and its geomorphology is relevant  as input to formulating appropriate laws and regulations to promote sustainable fisheries and protect endangered species, he added. 

The training course was designed to provide theoretical knowledge and practical skills on methods of mapping of geomorphology and shallow water benthic habitat and conducting field work in determining the accuracy of classification of mapping results from satellite images.

Lecture-discussions and practical exercises were conducted on the following topics:   review of remote sensing theory; classification of satellite imagery with the scheme of  basic habitat classification  and geomorphology;  field observation techniques (to connect between the image and reality in  the field); mapping using  satellite imagery; practice on  GPS; and group work on studying the accuracy of classification of map results from satelite images.

The participants were university faculty members and post graduate students  from the Universityof Riau, Universityof Tadulako, Universityof Bengkulu,Universityof Palangkaraya, Universityof Patimura, Universityof Pajajaran, Universityof Nusa Nipa, Universityof Mulawarman, Universityof Papua, Bogor Agricultural University (IPB);  technical staff of government agencies such as the Balai Penelitian Pemulihan dan Konservasi Sumberdaya Ikan, Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perikanan, and non governmental organizations and private companies such as, Blukap Mangrove Clup, and Consultant Company. The resource persons of this training were from SEAMEO BIOTROP, P2O-LIPI, Badan Informasi Geospasial, Universityof Hasanuddin, Makasar, and Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science of  IPB. The training course was coordinated by Dr. Vincentius Siregar.

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