Thursday, 30 August 2012 on 6:41am

SEAMEO BIOTROP Retains KNAPPP Accreditation

SEAMEO BIOTROP satisfactorily passed a full compliance of external assesment from KNAPPP  Secretariate last June 2012 and thus was awarded its reaccreditation effective 1 August 2012 until 13 August 2013.

KNAPPP is Indonesia’s National Commission for Accreditation of Research and Development Institutions (Komisi Nasional Akreditasi Pranata Penelitian dan Pengembangan) created under the Ministry of Research and Technology through the Minister’s Decree No. 91/M/Kp/XII/2001.

The accreditation is a formal recognition given by KNAPPP to a research and development institution for its (a) capability to undertake research and development according to its main  functions, vision and mission; (b) quality research results; and (c) efficiency and performance.

The Centre obtained its first KNAPPP accreditation in September 2010.

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