Wednesday, 26 November 2014 on 8:49am

BIOTROP-HLAF Seminar Promotes Better Herbal Medicine Production in Southeast Asia

BIOTROP, in collaboration with the Kuala Lumpur-based Human Life Advancement Foundation (HLAF), convened 50 experts, lecturers, and entrepreneurs for a one-day seminar on Enhancing The Quality, Safety, and Efficacy of Herbal Medicine in Southeast Asia held on 12 November 2014 at the Center’s headquarter in Bogor, Indonesia.

The seminar was conducted in response to the growing interest and promising discoveries on herbal plants as alternative sources of medicine in the region.  It also provided the venue for the participants to gain proper perspectives and surface research and capacity building needs to address key issues on the conservation, processing, and manufacturing of herbal medicines that are quality, safe, and effective. 

In delivering a message on behalf of HLAF as Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Junaedi stressed the relevance of the seminar workshop to provide knowledge and guidance to all participants through the presentations of resource persons and open discussions. He further said that the seminar workshop was a manifestation of HLAF’s mandate in promoting holistic human welfare and advancement. On the other hand, BIOTROP Director Prof Dr Bambang Purwantara, in his opening remarks,   emphasized the importance of medicinal plants as ingredients for about 75 percent of pharmaceutical productions in Southeast Asia and the need to propagate and conserve them properly for sustainable use of future generations.

The keynote address was delivered by Drs. Arustyono, on behalf of The National Agency of Drug and Food Control (NADFC),  about the regulatory frameworks for development of herbal industries in Indonesia. He said that the Indonesian government,  through the NA-FDC, supervises  pre and post-market mechanisms to guarantee that medicinal products comply with the country’s regulations and are safe, effective, and of quality before they are distributed for public consumption.

Through panel discussions, the seminar focused on two topics, namely:  (1) Technology Trends and Best Practices in Conservation and Production of Quality and Safe Herbal Medicine, and (2) Institutional and Legal Frameworks in Promotion and Commercialization of Herbal Medicine.  Speakers for the first topic were Drs Arustyono, Mr. Stuart Soo, Managing Director of Furley Bioextract SDN BHD in Malaysia, and Drs. Nuning  Barwa, Director of Kampoeng Djamoe Organic in Cikarang,Indonesia.  Speakers for the second topic were Prof. Dr. Ir Ervial Amzu from Faculty of Forestry of Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), Dr. Ir. Nurliani Bermawi from Balai Penelitian Tanaman Obat dan Rempah, Prof. Dr. Ir. Dwiyati Pujimulyani from University of Mercubuana, Jogjakarta, and Drs. Edy Djauhari PK from Biofarmaka of IPB.

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