SEAMEO BIOTROP Invites Communities to Be Literate on SDGs through MOMI CLOUDIA Series-12 Monday, 27 December 2021 on 1:27pm

SEAMEO BIOTROP Invites Communities to Be Literate on SDGs through MOMI CLOUDIA Series-12

SEAMEO BIOTROP held The MOMI CLOUDIA Series-12 on 27th December 2021 with the theme “SDGs Literacy” through an online platform. The purpose of this activity is to provide information about the government's commitment in Indonesia to involve the SDGs in the Medium Term Development Plan (RPJMN), as well as to increase public awareness about the importance of the SDGs for sustainable development in Indonesia.

Dr. Vivi Yulaswati, MSc, National Development Planning Expert Staff for Social Affairs and Poverty Reduction of the Ministry of National Development Planning (BAPPENAS) become the resource person in this webinar. In her presentation, Dr Vivi Yuliaswati, MSc emphasized that the COVID-19 pandemic has hit Indonesia and even the world for the past 2 years, but this pandemic must be seen as an opportunity in the transformation to achieve the SDGs. "The pandemic opens up opportunities for reforming various systems into a more inclusive, equitable, and sustainable or called Build Forward Better." she insisted. As for achieving "Build Forward Better", it is formulated into 6 strategies including competitive Human Resources; Economic Sector Productivity; Green Economy; Digital Transformation; Domestic Economic Integration; And The relocation of the State Capital.

The importance of SDGs socialization in the educational environment was conveyed by Anang Ristanto as the Information and Publication Coordinator of the Public Relations and Cooperation Bureau (BKHM) of the Ministry of Education and Culture in his opening remarks of this event. "Education does not only print the younger generation as agents of change but also must be able to become agents of producers to encourage creativity in sustainable development," he stated. SEAMEO BIOTROP as an educational institution under the Ministry of Education and Culture also plays a role in involving the SDGs in its programs.

Director of SEAMEO BIOTROP Dr. Zulhamsyah Imran stated that SEAMEO BIOTROP and other SEAMEO Centers need to collaborate to involve SDGs goals in developing programs to be implemented. "There is a need for collaboration in literacy and SDGs education in the educational environment, with the main target being educators and students," he said.

Further in the discussion session, Dr. Zulhamsyah Imran also invites other SEAMEO Centers to formulate joint programs that can be integrated with the SDGs secretariat; conduct training activities for staff within SEAMEO Centers to understand the 17 SDGs goals, their targets, and indicators; integrate the SDGs program to SEAMEO Centres programs, and compiling a report on the contribution of SEAMEO Centers to the SDGs that refers to one or several SDGs indicators.

The MOMI CLOUDIA Series-12 was attended by 100 participants from various agencies. Participants come from Government, Universities, Schools, and the general public. (day).

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