Tuesday, 03 October 2017 on 2:41am

32 Participants complete BIOTROP's Training in Spatial Dynamics Models for Decision-Making Support in Food Security Programme

BIOTROP conducted its first national training course on Spatial Dynamics Models for Decision-Making Support in Food Security Programme for 32 university lecturers, researchers and local government planners from 20 institutions in Indonesia. The training was held on 11-15 September 2017 at the Centre’s headquarter in Bogor, Indonesia.

As one of the new capacity building programs of BIOTROP under its 10th Five-Year Development Plan (2017-2022), the training was aimed to 1) to enrich the knowledge of the participants about the importance of spatial data in planning, management and utilization of agricultural space; and 2) to equip them with the ability to develop and use spatial models for food sufficiency prospects (especially in rice) at various administrative levels by considering regional areas and demographic potentials. The training used the spatial model developed from the 2015 research project of BIOTROP’s affiliate scientist Dr. Sari Hartrisari and her team which was recognized by the local government of West Java Province as among its 2016 Innovation, Initiative and Pioneer Empowerment of West Java awardees.

The participants completed 16 sessions that focused on understanding the concept of spatial modeling, modeling the dynamics of phenology and monitoring of rice crops to support decision-making in utilizing agricultural space, as well as the relevance of spatial modelling to support food security programme. The participants also experienced using ArcGIS spatial data processing software and NetLogo modeling software to analyze spatial data during their practicum sessions.

Five resource persons from MSc in IT for NRM Program, SEAMEO BIOTROP and Institut Pertanian Bogor delivered lectures and practical exercises during the course. They were Dr Hartrisari Hardjomidjojo, Dr Impron, Mr Harry Imantho, Mr Desi Suyamto, and Mr Dedi Priyanto.

The participants turned in action plans as the major requirement of the training.

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