Designing SEAMEO BIOTROP's Programs toward Literacy on Tropical Biodiversity in 2030 Friday, 18 March 2022 on 3:57pm

Designing SEAMEO BIOTROP's Programs toward Literacy on Tropical Biodiversity in 2030

SEAMEO BIOTROP held a Workshop on Designing Save Biodiversity Programs for Southeast Asia on 17 March 2022.  The workshop aimed to establish programs, strategies as well as measurable and tactical performance indicators in achieving SEAMEO BIOTROP's grand theme "Literacy on Tropical Biodiversity in 2030".  The workshop was also aimed to support the primary performance indicators targeted by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technologies of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemendikbudristek).

The main mandates of SEAMEO BIOTROP are research, capacity building aa well as information and knowledge dissemination. Aligning with these mandates, SEAMEO BIOTROP establishes its grand theme "Literacy on Tropical Biodiversity in 2030 ". The grand theme is directed to be a program for supporting learning activities on tropical biology in Southeast Asia.

The workshop is among phases to achieve the grand themes by generating program plans, performance indicators and activities related to the 6 determined programs, i.e.,
  1. Save Biodiversity for Future Generations. 
  2. Biodiversity Ranking and Database from Mountain to Ocean
  3. Agro-eco-edu Tourism
  4. School of Ecology, Biodiversity, and Aquatic
  5. Climate, Energy, Environment and Literacy on Biodiversity
  6. Educational Model of Nature and Human-Made Biodiversity: In- and Out-Class Teaching and Learning Process

Two resource persons shared their presentations in the workshop.  The first resource person was Mr.  Franova Herdiyanto, MTI, the Sub-coordinator of Data and Information Technology, Directorate General of Higher Education, Research and Technology, Kemendikbudristek.  Mr. Franova presented the Primary Working Indicators which are designed based on quality universal education, digital technology for educational purpose, solidarity, partnership and the future of the working world Post the Covid-19 Pandemic.  The second resource person was Mr. Imran Fauzi from the Planning Bureau of Kemendikbudristek. Mr. Imran shared the priority programs of Kemendikbudristek and the essence of good planning in supporting the programs.  Thirty-five participants enthusiastically participated in this workshop which resulted in the actual programs, strategies and performance indicators of SEAMEO BIOTROP to support the Primary Working Indicators of Kemendikbudristek. (hcn, sis).

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