Monday, 04 January 2016 on 6:57am

BIOTROP hosts Workshop on Developing Survey Instruments and Mechanics for Needs Assessment of SEAMEO Star Village

As a part of the entry phase in the implementation of SEAMEO Star Village Program in Indonesia, BIOTROP organized a “Workshop on Developing Survey Instruments and Mechanics for Community Needs Assessment” on 8-10 December 2015 at the Centre’s headquarter in Bogor.

The SEAMEO STAR Village Program is a collaborative undertaking among the six SEAMEO Centres in Indonesia which was launched by H.E. Dr Anies Baswedan, Indonesia’s Minister of Education and Culture, on 7 October 2016 as part of SEAMEO’s Golden Anniversary celebration in Indonesia. It generally aims to develop a community-based sustainable development model that could reinforce the SEAMEO Community Involvement Program especially in helping address the SEAMEO 7 Priorities and the Post-2015 Sustainable Development Agenda. It envisions a village that is Sustainable, Technology-equipped, Ability-rich, and Responsible towards fending for the needs of its constituents and in the process contributing to national development goals. The target village is Cihideung Ilir in Bogor.

Aside from BIOTROP, the other SEAMEO Centres include the Regional Centre for Food and Nutrition (RECFON), Regional Open Learning Centre (SEAMOLEC), and the three Regional Centres for Quality Improvement of Teachers and Education Personnel (QITEP) in Language, Mathematics, and Science.

The workshop was designed to enable the participants to formulate appropriate survey instruments and mechanics that could determine the needs of the target village towards introducing suitable development interventions. It was attended by 22 staff members from the said SEAMEO Centres in Indonesia who constitute the Program’s implementing teams and 6 representatives from Cihideung Ilir Village.

In opening the workshop, BIOTROP Director Dr Irdika Mansur emphasized the importance of the Program in contributing to the efforts of the Government of Indonesia to empower communities towards sustainable development. He also motivated the participants on the critical role they will play in implementing the Program.

The participants produced 15 survey questionnaires broken down as follows: 3 from BIOTROP, 4 from RECFON, 2 from SEAMOLEC, 3 from QITEP in Language, 1 from QITEP in Mathematics, and 2 from QITEP in Science. The survey questionnaires will be administered after the workshop to school heads, teachers, students, health clinic staff, housewives, and farmers in the target village.

BIOTROP Deputy Director for Program Dr Jess Fernandez served as the workshop resource person and coordinator. He was assisted by Mr. Jonner Situmorang, BIOTROP Community Development Unit supervisor.

Contributor: Joner Situmorang

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