Tuesday, 02 May 2017 on 5:36am

45 Participants Join Training on Warehouse Pest Management through Proper Fumigation Practices

Recognizing that the stored materials, especially archived materials as well as food and feed products, often face pest attack during the storage period in warehouse, SEAMEO BIOTROP held the training on warehouse pest management through proper fumigation practices on 3-6 April 2017 in its headquarter in Bogor. The objectives of this training was: 1. to deliver knowledge on alternative fumigants for warehouse pest control  and proper fumigation technique; 2. to discuss and share each experience among the participants in overcoming the pest problems.

Dr Idham Sakti Harahap, BIOTROP’s affiliate scientist, was the coordinator of the training. In his opening remarks, he introduced 45 participants who came from various private companies, government institutions, research institutions and universities across Indonesia.

In his opening remarks, BIOTROP Deputy Director for Program, Dr Jesus C. Fernandez, emphasized the importance of proper fumigation for preserving the stored materials in warehouse and reducing losses with less negative impact to the surroundings.

Subjects presented in the training were delivered in theory and practicum sessions and consisted of: 1. introduction of warehouse insect pests; 2. integrated warehouse pest management; 3. Indonesian government policies in pesticide registration; 4. proper fumigation using sulfuryl fluoride as well as using liquid and solid phosphine; 5. fumigation technique for silo, archiving room and museum; 6. eradication of destructing organisms on wood and archived materials; 7. eradication of destructing fungus on post-harvest food products; and 8. general pest control.

These materials were delivered by 10 resource persons and facilitators from 7 institutions i.e. 1. Dr Idham Sakti Harahap, Ir Sri Widayanti, M.Si, and Prof Dr Okky S. Dharmaputra from SEAMEO BIOTROP; 2. Dr Purnama Hidayat and Prof Dr Dadang from Department of Plant Protection of Institut Pertanian Bogor; 3. Ridwan Alaydrus, MP, from Agricultural Quarantine Agency of Indonesian Ministry of Agriculture; 4. Arief Zakaria, S.Si, from PT Biruni Lintas Dunia; 5. Yudhi Wahyudi from PT Tribhakti Inspektama; 6. Ir H Mohamad Rivai from PT Rebio Mega Aranda; and 7. Anas Abdullah, S.Si, from PT Sterix Indonesia.

As a training course requirement, the participants formulated individual action plans for their respective work stations which would be presented in the last session of the training.

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