Regional Workshop on the Development of Agro-Eco-Edu-Tourism Model in Supporting Biodiversity Conservation in Southeast Asia Wednesday, 27 July 2022 on 8:52am

Regional Workshop on the Development of Agro-Eco-Edu-Tourism Model in Supporting Biodiversity Conservation in Southeast Asia

Agro-Eco-Edu-Tourism is an effort to develop tourism by offering environmental conservation, agricultural business products and educational packages to elevate skills and welfare to the general public. The concept of Agro-Eco-Edu Tourism is a tourism that implements the ecosystem and agriculture-based education as a tourist attraction.


Since 2018, SEAMEO BIOTROP through the SMARTS-BE program or the School Fruit Garden for Education, Production, Genetic Conservation and Entrepreneurship in Agriculture Vocational Senior High School in Indonesia has developed 39 vocational high schools from 19 provinces in Indonesia.  At the end of 2021, SEAMEO BIOTROP through the SMARTS-BE program conducted a workshop to develop an Agro-Eco-Edu-Tourism model for vocational high schools. The workshop also produced the Agro-Eco-Edu-Tourism criteria and indicators or vocational high schools in Indonesia. The criteria and indicators of Agro-Eco-Edu-Tourism comprise 6 criteria, 16 indicators, and 45 parameters with the aim of building a productive, competitive, and sustainable Agro-Eco-Edu-Tourism.


On 14 July 2022, SEAMEO BIOTROP held a Regional Workshop on Development of Agro-Eco-Edu-Tourism Model in Supporting Biodiversity Conservation in Southeast Asia. This event was aimed at discussing strategic plans and establishing master plan for developing the Agro-Eco-Edu-Tourism. The event was opened by Dr Zulhamsyah Imran, the Director of SEAMEO BIOTROP. In his opening remarks Dr Zulhamsyah Imran shared his hopes that this workshop would be a media for sharing knowledge and experiences among the participants and resource persons in developing the Agro-Eco-Edu-Tourism in Indonesia, Southeast Asia and beyond.


This event was conducted in hybrid platform and was actively participated by 461 participants from 11 countries in Southeast Asia. The resource persons of this event were 1) Dr Shazali Johari from Univeristy of Putra Malaysia, 2) Dr Zulhamsyah Imran the Director of SEAMEO BIOTROP, 3) Dra Valentina Purnama Dewi the Principal of SMK Negeri 63 Jakarta, 4) Sangsan Phumsatham, PhD. from Kasetsart University, 5) Andrea Janella DGo, from the Philippines Center for Enviromental Protection and Sustainable Development (PCEPSD), and 6) Dr Supriyanto an Affiliate Scientist of SEAMEO BIOTROP.


The Regional Workshop on Agro-Eco-Edu Tourism concluded that the key factor to conserve and preserve biodiversity is people.  The people’s roles are emphasized in aducation to raise the awareness on the benefit our biodiversity, to actively participate in the Agro-Eco-Edu Tourism and to grow positive mindset for conserving the biodiversity and the environment. (asa, sis).

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