Wednesday, 26 August 2015 on 3:04am

54 staff of SEAMEO Centres in Indonesia Complete Training Course on Scientific Photography

To improve the quality of photo documentation and dissemination of research and other learning activities of SEAMEO Centres in Indonesia, BIOTROP conducted a Training Course on Scientific Photography on 18-20 August 2015 at its headquarter in Bogor. Forty-nine BIOTROP staff and five from four other SEAMEO Centres in Indonesia completed the training course.

In his opening remarks, BIOTROP Director Dr. Irdika Mansur said that the training was in support of the SEAMEO Mentoring Program to build staff capacities across SEAMEO Centres. Thus, aside from BIOTROP staff, the training was participated in by staff from SEAMEO QITEP in Science based in Bandung; and SEAMEO QITEP in Language, SEAMOLEC, and SEAMEO RECFON based in Jakarta.

The training consisted of lecture-discussion on the Basic Principles of Photography; Understanding Natural and Artificial Lighting; Color and Temperature of Light; Light Quality and Quantity; Photo Composition and Photography Technique; Understanding the Characteristics of Object in Scientific Photography; Basics of Scientific Photography; Adjusting Color Intonation to Make a Better Quality Photograph; Understanding the Perspective Modification and Depth of Field; Filter Effect, Additional Lighting and Other Necessities for Scientific Photography; Tips and Tricks in Photography; Determining Shooting Angle, Framing and Composition; Tips and Tricks in Flora and Fauna Photography and Macro and Table Top Photography. The participants also experienced a half-day photo walk at Bogor Botanical Garden to apply the concepts and principles discussed in the classroom. The resource persons for this training were Ir Gunawan Wibisana MSP, MM, LRPS, PSA, proffesional photographer, lecturer on photography or presentation technique in ITB, ITI, Univ. Krisnadwipayana, Univ. Indonesia Esa Unggul and Univ. Pasundan and Drs Ohan Mahria, photographer and digital artist from Bandung, Indonesia.

Three best photos were selected by the resource persons from those submitted by the participants from their photo walk activity. The winning photos were from SEAMEO BIOTROP staff, namely:
Ms. Nijma Nur Fadillah from Phytopathology Laboratory as the first winner,

Ms Yunita from Human Resource Department as the second winner,

and Ms Erina Sulistiani from Tissue Culture Laboratory as the third winner.

In the closing the training course, SEAMEO BIOTROP Deputy Director for Program Dr Jess Fernandez encouraged the participants to form themselves into a photography club of SEAMEO Centres in Indonesia to continuously share their experiences and learn from each other towards improving their photography skills.

The training was coordinated by Mr. Harry Imantho, M.Sc., SEAMEO BIOTROP Knowledge Management Department Manager.

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