Friday, 21 August 2015 on 6:19am

BIOTROP, Bone Regency to collaborate on plant tissue culture propagation

Three officials of Bone Regency, Sulawesi Selatan (South Celembes) Province explored collaborative options on plant tissue culture propagation with BIOTROP during their visit to the Centre on 2 July 2015. The officials are Drs H. A. Afhsar M. Padjalangi, Bone Regent, Mr. Ir. Sunardi Nurdin, Head of the Agriculture Crop and Horticulture Department, and Dr Muchtar, expert staff of the Agriculture Department.

The Bone Regency officials sought the expertise of BIOTROP to improve propagation of their native plants such as breadfruit (sukun), pisang barangan and pisang sere through tissue culture techniques for livelihood development of their constituencies. A Memorandum of Understanding will soon be signed between Bone Regency and BIOTROP as a result of the visit.

During the visit, BIOTROP Director Dr Irdika Mansur and PDSD Manager Mr Samsul A. Yani toured the visitors to the Centre’s Plant Tissue Culture Laboratory, Edible Mushroom Laboratory and Nursery Laboratory.

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