Fifteen Pohuwato District Local Parliament members of Gorontalo Province visited SEAMEO BIOTROP on 6 March 2013 to learn about propagation and cultivation techniques of Jabon (Anthochepalus cadamba (Roxb.) Bosser)
The visit was part of the group’s comparative study program aimed at gaining knowledge towards establishing a Jabon plantation in their district for community development. Since 2011, BIOTROP has developed a protocol for producing jabon seedlings through tissue culture and maintained a seedlings nursery for training purpose and distribution to end-users.
Mr. Jonner Situmorang, MSi, BIOTROP’s Community Development Unit Supervisor, welcomed and oriented the group on the Centre’s programs and activities. On the other hand, Mr. Samsul Ahmad Yani, S.Si, BIOTROP’s tissue culture laboratory head, and Mr. Bahru, Community Development operator, shared the Centre’s knowledge and experiences on Jabon cultivation and nursery management.
Headed by Hj. Suharsi Igirisa, S.IP., the group also toured the Centre’s tissue culture laboratory, Jabon and teakwood nursery, and mushroom production site.