The Virtual 60th SEAMEO BIOTROP Governing Board Meeting Friday, 07 October 2022 on 9:52am

The Virtual 60th SEAMEO BIOTROP Governing Board Meeting

SEAMEO BIOTROP Governing Board Meeting is held annually to evaluate the Center’s programs implementation and seek for the Board’s recommendations as  references to conduct future activities in the next fiscal year. Following the subsiding condition of the Covid-19 pandemic,  SEAMEO BIOTROP held its 60th Governing Board Meeting using hybrid platform on 5-6 October 2022 at the SEAMEO BIOTROP headquarter in Bogor.  


Eight (8) Governing Board (GB) members from Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Singapore, Timor-Leste and Vietnam; SEAMEO Secretariat Director, SEAMEO Secretariat Deputy Director for Program attended the meeting virtually through ZOOM platform. The Governing Board members from Indonesia, Philippines and Thailand attended the meeting in person.


As virtual attending observers were the Program Officer of the SEAMEO Secretariat, the Director of International Center for Collaboration Office of Institut Pertanian Bogor, while two observers from the Bureau of Cooperation and Public Relations of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia (MoECRT), the Board of Directors, managers and staff of SEAMEO BIOTROP attended the meeting in person at SEAMEO BIOTROP headquarter in Bogor.


The SEAMEO BIOTROP 60th Governing Board Meeting was virtually opened by the Acting Head of Bureau of the Cooperation and Public Relations of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia.


In his remarks during the Opening Ceremony, SEAMEO BIOTROP Director, Dr Zulhamsyah Imran, highlighted that the 60th GBM is important, since SEAMEO BIOTROP is entering its 11th Five-Year Development Plan starting July 2022 up to June 2027. He also emphasized the urgency of education transformation is especially important for the future generations in attaining the required knowledge and skills to works in the business and industrial worlds. He invited and embraced the MoECRT,  SEAMEO Secretariat, SEAMEO BIOTROP Governing Board members, SEAMEO member countries, SEAMEO Centres and Network for the opportunities,  continuous support,  collaborations,  guidance  and warm relationships.  Videos of the latest SEAMEO BIOTROP Profile, SEAMEO BIOTROP Virtual Tour and SEAMEO BIOTROP’s Accomplishments for Fiscal Year 2021/2022 were also presented during his remarks.  At the 60th GBM, SEAMEO BIOTROP also proudly launched its Agro-Eco-Edu Tourism program by displaying an introduction video about Agro-Eco-Edu Tourism program.


The Centre submitted twelve (12) Working Papers and four (4) Information Papers to the Board. The highlighted issues were the 11th Five-Year Development Plan (11th FYDP), the change of organizational structure as well as collaborations, partnership, research and training achieved in year 2022 as well as the plans for the year 2023.  The Board Member from Indonesia, Prof Dr Arif Satria and the Board Member from the Philippines, Commissioner Dr Aldrin Darilag, were unanimously elected as the Chair and Vice Chair of the 60th SEAMEO BIOTROP Governing Board Meeting, respectively.  (hcn, sis).

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