Tuesday, 06 May 2008 on 3:07am

Nurturing Local VTE Research Efforts: A Response to Global Challenges

An International Conference of Senior Administrators, Policymakers, Researchers and other Practitioners:
“Nurturing Local VTE Research Efforts: A Response to Global Challenges”

Venue: Inna Grand Bali Beach Hotel, Resort and Spa, Bali, Indonesia, 7-8 July 2008


Research plays important roles in providing inputs on the formulation of policies and decisions in vocational and technical education and training (VTET). This conference will serve as a forum to share research efforts/findings and best practices; to exchange experiences on the success/constraints in implementing research, and to come up with strategies for strengthening contributions to decision and policymaking. At the same time, this gathering will also become an avenue to reinforce and expand research network among concerned stakeholders in Southeast Asia and other regions.

The VTE Research and Networking 2008, an International Conference for Researchers, Practitioners and Policymakers, is a joint project organised by the SEAMEO VOCTECH Regional Centre in partnership with the Ministry of National Education of Indonesia, represented by the Directorate of Vocational Technical Education, Quality Improvement of Teachers and Education Personnel, Surabaya State University, State University of Malang, and VEDC Malang. It is sponsored by the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and is conducted in cooperation with the SEAMEO Secretariat, MOE-Brunei Darussalam, UNESCO-UNEVOC (Germany), UNESCO Bangkok and InWEnt (Germany).

“Nurturing Local VTE Research Efforts: A Response to Global Challenges,” is the theme of the conference, to be held at Inna Grand Bali Beach Hotel, Bali, Indonesia, 7-8 July 2008. Distinguished Keynote Speakers will be invited to share their experiences or researches, geared towards vocational and technical education.


The conference will serve as a fora for VTE researchers, practitioners, and policymakers to take stock of their research and research interventions carried out in the era of globalisation. Moreover, such researchers can exchange experiences on the success/constraints in implementing research, at the same time, coming up with strategies for strengthening contributions of research to decision and policymaking. Specifically, the objectives of the conference are:

  1. To provide an inclusive and dynamic forum for networking, information- sharing and skill-building among all stakeholders involved in VTE research, programme development and policymaking.
  2. To build and sustain a growing network of VTE researchers at international, national and regional levels.
  3. To document best practices for improving VTE in the new millennium.

Sub Theme
  1. Strengthening Research Resource Generation, Management and Networking.
  2. Improving VTET Policy and Management by Fostering Excellence in Research.
  3. Relevant and Interactive ICT Usage to Improve VTET.
  4. Current Developments on Teaching-Learning Methodologies and Student Assessment.
  5. Integrating Lifelong Learning in VTET.
  6. Sustainable Curriculum Development.

Speakers - Keynote Speakers will present their papers in line with the theme of the conference. The Organising Committee also invites paper presenters to the Parallel Sessions.  Paper Presenters will be allotted 20 minute-delivery and a five-minute question and answer session.  All Presenters are encouraged to bring about 20 copies of their Paper for the audience.

Procedure for Submission of Papers - A paper abstract of a maximum 200 words – with a title, not exceeding twelve words, author’s name, affiliation, e-mail, conference sub-theme; Content of abstract must include: objectives, methodology/points of discussion/research. Abstract should be emailed to the Conference Secretariat at conference@voctech.org.bn no later than 15 April 2008.

The Paper Review Committee will inform the Abstract Sender by 30 April 2008, whether the proposal has been accepted. Soft and hard copies of the Full Paper selected for the conference must be sent to the Conference Secretariat no later than 31 May 2008. The Organising and Planning Committee reserves the right to withdraw the paper from presentation. For your reference, please refer to Conference Paper Guideline.

Criteria for Acceptance - Relevance to the theme of the conference and freshness and originality of approach are among the major considerations in the acceptance of papers. The Organising and Planning Committee reserves the right to decline paper proposals without assigning reasons.

Proceedings - Conference proceedings will be published in printed copies/CD format. All Paper Presenters who wish to include their papers in the Proceedings will kindly submit a soft copy of paper to the Secretariat no later than 31 May 2008.

For more information, please visit :www.voctech.org.bn

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