Friday, 26 April 2013 on 4:16am

6 Indonesian PhD Students Receive BIOTROP Thesis Grants for 2013

For 2013, BIOTROP awarded thesis grants to six Indonesian PhD students. They constitute the first batch of grantees whose research projects focus on the two program thrusts of the Centre under its 9th Five-Year Development Plan, namely: Tropical Biology for Community Welfare and Tropical Biology for Environmental Integrity.

The grantees and their respective research theses and institution affiliations are as follows:

  1. Ms. Widya Fatriasari, S.Hut, M.M
    Research and Development Unit for Biomaterials
    Indonesian Institute of Science (LIPI)
    Thesis Title: Utilization of Betung Bamboo for Ethanol Production Using Biological Microwave Pre-treatment
  2. Ms. Fitri Nurfatriani
    Centre for Climate Change and Policy Research and Development
    Forest Research and Development Agency, Ministry of Forestry
    Thesis Title: Analysis of Fiscal Policy on Low Carbon Development in Forestry Sector
  3. Ms. Yani Hadiroseyani
    Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science
    Bogor Agricultural University
    Thesis Title: Crowding Effects on Growth Performance, Haematological and Biochemical Responses of Rice Field Eel (Monopterus albus Zuiew 1793) Cultured at Different Stocking Densities in Clear Water System
  4. Mr. Rahmat Safe’i
    Faculty of Forestry
    Bogor Agricultural University
    Thesis Title: Assessment of Forest Health Monitoring System in Community Forest Management in Lampung Province
  5. Mr. Apri Heri Iswanto
    Forestry Department, Faculty of Agriculture
    Sumatera Utara University
    Thesis Title: Quality Enhancement of Particleboard from Jathropha Fruit Hulls by Particle Treatment and Hot Pressing Condition
  6. R. Taufiq Purna Nugraha Gholib
    Indonesian Institute of Science (LIPI)
    Thesis Title: Non-Invasive Assessment of Parasite, Reproduction & Stress of Orang Utans (Pongo SPP) in Captivity
BIOTROP’s PhD Thesis Grants Program generally aims to increase the number of qualified human resources in higher learning institutions and government agencies where the grantees are affiliated with the expectation that they would contribute to the development of Indonesia in the area of tropical biology and natural resources management. Since 2011, the Centre has helped 17 students earn their PhD degrees at the Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB) and University of Indonesia. All this year’s grantees are taking their PhD programs at IPB.

The grants are part of BIOTROP’s research fund allocation from the Government of Indonesia.

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