Online Presentation of Progress Reports for Research funded by BIOTROP Wednesday, 15 July 2020 on 11:15am

Online Presentation of Progress Reports for Research funded by BIOTROP

SEAMEO BIOTROP held an online presentation of research progress reports on 30 June 2020 for research activities that were awarded BIOTROP’s Research Grant this year.

Dr Irdika Mansur, the Centre’s Director, in his opening remarks, mentioned the importance of consistently conduct efforts to implement research to communities, especially in research related to food security and food sovereignty.

Dr Zulhamsyah Imran, the Centre’s Deputy Director for Programme, in his remarks, mentioned that the research activity should not be research only, but should be more applicable to the community. He also hoped that research activities supported by BIOTROP will produce good results and be published in both national and international levels; so that the results will reach the community.

In starting the presentation, Dr Aslan, the Centre’s Research Manager, conveyed a good news that two research from BIOTROP under supervision of Dr Soekisman Tjitrosemito and Dr Ulfah J. Siregar, both are the Centre’s Scientists, will be funded by MEXT next year.

There were twenty research activities presented with various topics related to the Centre’s Program Thrusts, consisted of eleven titles from the Centre’s scientists and nine titles from scientists of other institutions. Each report was delivered in 10 minutes, continued with brief discussion. The titles are:

  1. Biological Study of Chimonobambusa quadrangularis and Potential of Young Bamboo Shoots for Consumption; by Dr Sri Sudarmiyati Tjitrosoedirdjo from BIOTROP.
  2. Yeast Flour Formulation for Controlling Ochratoxin A Producing Fungi in Arabica Coffee; by Prof Okky Setyawati Dharmaputra from BIOTROP.
  3. Integration of Oil Palm Plants with Cows to Increase Farmer's Income through Utilization of Oil Palm Waste, Cow Dung, and Intercropping Plants; by Prof M. Winugroho from BIOTROP – Animal Husbandry Research and Development Center.
  4. Pest Insect Infestation in Rice: Analysis of Product Loss and Development of Fumigation Protocol for Insect Management of Cryptolestes sp. that is Resistant to Phosphine in the Field; by Dr Idham Sakti Harahap from BIOTROP – IPB University.
  5. Endophytic Bacteria Technology for Healthy Seed Production and Improvement of Pepper Plant Health; by Dr Abdul Munif from BIOTROP – IPB University.
  6. Compilation of Ecosystem Health Indexes in Indonesia (3rd Year); by Prof Arief Sabdo Yuwono from BIOTROP – IPB University.
  7. Evaluation of the Use of Watermelon Dregs as a Functional Feed Raw Material for Freshwater Lobster (Cherax quadricarinatus); by Dr Ichsan Achmad Fauzi from BIOTROP – IPB University.
  8. Application of Selected Microbes and Modified Organic Enhancing Materials in Selected Plants for Restoration of Degraded Land in Karst, Yogyakarta; by Dr Dewi Wulandari from BIOTROP – Universitas Islam Indonesia Yogyakarta.
  9. Development of Mint Oil-based Nano-encapsulation Fumigants for Warehouse Pest Insect Tribolium castaneum Control; by Dr Sri Yuliani from BIOTROP – Post Harvest Research and Development Center.
  10. Development of Spatial Decision Support Systems for Village-Based National Rice Production (Phase 1: Development of Baseline Models for Rice Spatial Dynamics); by Dr Impron from BIOTROP – IPB University.
  11. Application of Dark Septate Endophytes (DSE) Fungi to Encourage Rice Production in Acidic Stress Conditions in Kalimantan Swamp Land; by Dr Surono from Indonesian Agency for Agricultural Research and Development.
  12. Breeding of Eha (Castanopsis buruana Miq.) to Support the Development of Plantation Forest in Sulawesi; by Prof Husna from Universitas Halu Oleo.
  13. Genetic Diversity and Structure Analysis of Sipuncula in the Banda Island; by Dr Majariana Krisanti from IPB University.
  14. Genotyping of Sengon (Falcataria moluccana) Resistant to Boktor Pest (Xystrocera festiva) and Puru Rust Disease (Uromycladium falcatarum) using Genomic Data; by Dr Ulfah Juniarti Siregar from IPB University.
  15. Increasing the Added Value of Kemenyan Essential Oils through Innovation in Health and Beauty Products; by Dr Aswandi from Aek Nauli Forestry and Environment Research and Development Center.
  16. Acid Mine Water Management using Floating Gardens; by Armaiki Yusmur, MSi, from BIOTROP.
  17. Collection of Ebony (Diospyros celebica) Reproductive Materials Based on Genetic Information; by Prof Iskandar Z. Siregar from IPB University.
  18. Diversity of Haplotypes and Populations of the Mimi (Tachypleus gigas) Subdivision for Conservation Monitoring in Indonesia; by Naila Khuril Aini, MSi, from IPB University.
  19. Utilization of Local Marine Bacteria from the Indonesian Aquatic Environment for the Development of Textile Industry Dyes (Indigo); by Elvi Yetti, MSc, from IPB University.
  20. Study on the Development of Kampung Chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus) with the Free Range System on Peatlands in Riau Province; by Deni Fitra, MP, from IPB University. (zsp)

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