Tackling Fish Feed Issues, SEAMEO BIOTROP Held Technical Guidance on Fish Feed Formulation Thursday, 02 December 2021 on 1:21pm

Tackling Fish Feed Issues, SEAMEO BIOTROP Held Technical Guidance on Fish Feed Formulation

Bogor, November 29, 2021 – SEAMEO BIOTROP held a technical guidance on fish feed formulation on 29th November until 1st December 2021 in SEAMEO BIOTROP headquarter, Bogor. After this training, the participants were expected to be able to produce fish feed according to the Indonesian National Standard (SNI). 

This training is intended for cultivators, fishery instructors, students, researchers, and general public with a total of 30 participants from various regions in Indonesia. The topics delivered in the training including determining the quality of raw materials, and feed formulations both in theory and practice. the facilitators for this workshop are Dr. Ichsan Achmad Fauzi, SEAMEO BIOTROP's affiliate scientist from the Faculty of Fisheries and Maritime Science, IPB University, and Shella Marlinda, M.Si. research assistant of aquatic laboratory, SEAMEO BIOTROP.

In her opening speech, Ir. Sri Widayanti, RHID Manager said “One of the strategic issues in the development of aquaculture in Indonesia is the issue of the high price of fish feed and the large portion of the cost of feed in intensive fish farming. One of the efforts to reduce the cost component of feed is to encourage the development of a household-scale fish feed industry (independent feed) accompanied by encouraging the development of the fish feed raw material industry in Indonesia. (pn)

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