SEAMEO BIOTROP Hosts International Training Course on Artificial Lake Management and Acid Mine Drainage Monday, 06 November 2023 on 9:29am

SEAMEO BIOTROP Hosts International Training Course on Artificial Lake Management and Acid Mine Drainage

Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization Regional Centre for Tropical Biology (SEAMEO BIOTROP) in collaboration with IPB University welcomed 28 delegates and participants for its International Training Course on Artificial Lake Management and Acid Mine Drainage. The workshop was conducted on 30 October to 02 November 2023, and officially opened by the dean of faculty fishery and marine science of IPB University, Prof. Dr. Ir. Fredinan Yulianda, M.Sc.

Artificial lakes, also known as reservoirs, are not mere bodies of water. They are dynamic, interconnected systems that play a pivotal role in our lives. They provide us with a host of benefits, from supplying fresh water for drinking and irrigation to serving as recreational spaces and even enhancing biodiversity in some cases. The successful management of artificial lakes is a multifaceted endeavor, and it requires a delicate balance between environmental conservation, water resource sustainability, and community well-being. Few key aspects that we must consider, including water quality, ecological health, community engagement, and research and innovation.

To increase stakeholder awareness and concern for the importance of maintaining biodiversity through acid mine drainage treatment and to increase awareness and concern for the importance of maintaining environmental biodiversity, SEAMEO BIOTROP in collaboration with IPB University jointly conduct the International Training Course on Artificial Lake Management and Acid Mine Drainage.

During the coordinator reports, Ms. Risa Rosita highlighted the environmental hazards associated with acid mine drainage (AMD). She underscored the importance of understanding the ecosystems surrounding acid mine drainage lakes. "When talking about acid mine drainage lakes, we must not forget about the land and plants around the lake," Rosita said. The workshop aims to increase stakeholder awareness of AMD and promote environmental biodiversity.

Dr. Zulhamsyah Imran on his welcoming remarks emphasized SEAMEO BIOTROP's commitment to the empowerment of human resources through various activities in tropical biology. "SEAMEO BIOTROP envisions itself to become a leading centre in enriching and promoting the real values of tropical biology in Southeast Asia and beyond," Dr. Imran stated. He further expounded on Indonesia's challenges concerning water environments and the urgency of addressing acid mine drainage.

He expressed his gratitude to various stakeholders, including the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology, for their continuous support. Dr. Imran hopes that through programs such as this workshop, SEAMEO BIOTROP can contribute further to advancing education and the environment for future generations.

28 participants were selected to participate in this workshop, with 64% of the participants from academics background. The diverse group of participants, which included educators, experts, and students, reflects the importance and multifaceted nature of the workshop's theme. The participants were partaking the series of lectures as well as hands-on practical projects during this 4 days workshop. Not only in technical capacities, but also to gain deeper understanding of its regulation, policies, as well as best practices on acid mine drainage management.

The workshop saw participation from universities from Indonesia and abroad, and mining experts from reputed institutions like PT Bukit Asam and PT ADARO. The resource person for this workshop including: Dra Ch. Nety Widayati, MT, Jasmin Ragil, SH, MH from Ministry of Environment and Forestry of Indonesia; Prof. Dr. ir. Peter Bossier from Ghent University at Belgium; Mr Suhedi as Director Operation and production of PT Bukit Asam Tbk, Palembang, Prof.Dr.Ir. Niken TM Pratiwi, M.Si., Dr. Irzal Effendi, Dr Irdika Mansur, Dr.Ir. Sigid Hariyadi, M.Sc.,  Prof. Dr. Ir. Hefni Effendi, M. Phil. Dr. Taryono, S.Pi, M.Si. from IPB University; Mr Garibaldi Thohir from PT. ADARO; as well as Dr Supriyanto, Soekisman Tjitrosemito, PhD, Dr. Sri Sudarmiyati Tjitrosoedirdjo, M.Si, Slamet Widodo Sugiarto, M.Sc., Risa Rosita, S.Si., M.Si., Mutiara Hidayat, S.Si., Mr Aris Purnajaya from SEAMEO BIOTROP.

To equip the participants with hands-on experience, the workshop also conducted a field trip to Cirata reservoir at Purwakarta, where the participants get a simulation on Sustainable Lake Management, Taking Aerial Photos of Acid Mine Lake, Acid Mine Water Management, as well as Practical work on taking water samples.

The event promises to shed light on innovative solutions, strategies, and collaborative efforts in managing and mitigating the impact of acid mine drainage, promoting sustainable biodiversity practices, and enhancing water management education.

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