Friday, 08 December 2017 on 4:03am

SEAMEO BIOTROP Holds Southeast Asian Regional Workshop on Mine Reclamation and Mine Water Management

SEAMEO BIOTROP, in collaboration with Bangor University and Aberystwyth University from the UK, Western Carolina University from the US, Bogor Agricultural University, Bandung Institute of Technology, Diponegoro University and University of Brawijaya from Indonesia, and a state mining company Bukit Asam Ltd. in Indonesia, held a Southeast Asian regional workshop on mine reclamation and mine water management on 21-23 November 2017 at BIOTROP campus in Bogor. This activity was initiated by the needs to share the results of studies on mine reclamation and mine water management carried out at the coal mining site of Bukit Asam Ltd. and funded by the UK and US governments through British Council under the Global Innovation Initiative programme. Dr Dewi Wulandari (BIOTROP’s Scientist) coordinated this activity.

In accordance with the workshop’s theme “Transformation of degraded ex-mine sites into productive landscape to return biodiversity, land productivity and enhance community welfare sustainably in the Southeast Asian Countries”, the objectives of this regional workshop were: 1) to disseminate and exchange best practice of mine rehabilitation and mine water management among researchers, mining companies and government officials in the Southeast Asian region; 2) to improve mine environmental management practices in the Southeast Asian region; and 3) to establish a network of mine environmental management in the Southeast Asian region as a platform for communicating and exchanging knowledge among mine environmental stakeholders.

In his opening remarks, BIOTROP’s Director, Dr Irdika Mansur, stated that the mining industry has become one of the biggest income contributors for the most of Southeast Asian countries. In order to make a sustainable mining industry, it is compulsory for the owners and stakeholders to practice an environmentally-friendly operation. His statements were supported by the remarks of the representative from the British Council Indonesia, Ms Teresa Birks, who emphasized the importance of reclamation and handling the post-mining site using environmentally-friendly methods to uphold the community welfare. Ms Teresa appreciated all works, research and studies which have contributed to solving the environmental problems in post-mining areas. She also expected that this regional workshop would result to the establishment of appropriate policies and regulations for better environment and societies, especially in relation to post-mining areas.

Following the theme, the workshop concerned in eight significant topics: 1) Post-mining land preparation to ensure land stability; 2) Soil analyses, interpretation, amelioration to improve soil fertility; 3) Large scale compost production; 4) Tree and cover crop species selection for biodiversity conservation, and land productivity to enhance community welfare sustainably; 5) Seedlings production in the nursery, planting, and maintenance to ensure successful revegetation; 6) Mine water management; 7) Bio- and phytoremediaton for passive treatments of mine water; and 8) The importance of the establishment of a network of mine environmental management in the Southeast Asia.

A total of 16 experts were invited to share their knowledge and research related to the workshop’s topics, namely Prof Arief Sabdo Yuwono, Dr Irdika Mansur, Dr Dewi Wulandari and Mr Armaiki Yusmur, S.Si, from SEAMEO BIOTROP; Dr Didik Suprayoga from University of Brawijaya; Prof Rudi Sayoga from Bandung Institute of Technology; Dr Tri Retnaningsih Soeprobowati from Diponegoro University; Dr Florante Victor Balatico from Cagayan State University, Philippines; Dr San Win from University of Forestry (Yezin), Myanmar; Mr Jetsada Wongprom from Kasetsart University, Thailand; Ir M. Hendrasto, M.Sc, from Indonesian Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources; Mr Man Sokry from Ministry of Mines and Energy of Cambodia; Mr Aldi Pratama Iswaldi from Bukit Asam Ltd.; Mr Aries Priambodo from Vale Indonesia Ltd.; Mr Kris Pranoto from Kaltim Prima Coal Ltd.; and Mr Tony Gultom from Indonesian Forum for Mine Environmental Management.

Thirty-five participants from various universities and mining companies across Southeast Asia joined the activity.

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