Tuesday, 02 October 2012 on 8:31am

BIOTROP Sponsors Seminar on Responsible Conduct of Research in Indonesia

SEAMEO BIOTROP, in cooperation with the Indonesian Biotechnology Information Center and PBPI, organized a half-day seminar on “Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) in Indonesia” on 10 September 2012 held in its headquater in Bogor, Indonesia. Dr. Shoba Ramanand, Academic Research Specialist of Michigan University, USA served as the resource person.

Dr Remanand emphasized that responsible research practices broadly refer to the “thoughtful and honest adherence to relevant ethical, disciplinary, and financial standards in the promotion, design, conduct, evaluation, and reporting of research in each researcher’s field.” She cautioned the audience that “ppressures to publish, to obtain research grants, or to complete academic requirements may in some cases lead to an erosion of professional integrity.” She added that “breaches in professional ethics range from questionable research practices to misconduct.” The seminar covered the following topics:

• Definitions of misconduct in science (fabrication, falsification, plagiarism);
• Conflict of interest-personal, professional, financial;
• Policies regarding human subjects, animal subjects in research and human care of animals, and safe laboratory practices;
• Mentor/mentee responsibilities and relationships;
• Compliance with institutional requirements;
• Peer review;
• Responsible authorship and publication;
• Data acquisition, management, sharing and ownership;
• Policies for handling misconduct;
• The scientist as a responsible member of society.

Dr. Ramanand also shared information on on-line resources for RCR curriculum development and case studies illustrating scientific misconduct as examples.

The seminar was attended by 65 participants from national research agencies such as Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), Ministry of Agriculture, Indonesian Center for Agricultural Biotechnology and Genetic Resources (BB BIOGEN), State Ministry Of Research And Technology, BIOTROP, Indonesian Agency for Agricultural Research and Development Ministry of Agriculture, teaching staff from Bogor Agricultural University and University of Indonesia, master and doctorate students from Bogor Agricultural University and also researcher from private company (PT. Wilmar Indonesia).(DS)

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