BIOTROP to SCHOOL (BtS) - The Series : 3rd BtS theme “Modern Biology” Tuesday, 16 February 2021 on 5:17pm

BIOTROP to SCHOOL (BtS) - The Series : 3rd BtS theme “Modern Biology”

As one of the SEAMEO Centres within the Mininstry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia (MoEC), SEAMEO BIOTROP commits to carry out proactive steps by holding a program called BIOTROP to Schools (BtS). With this program, BIOTROP is proving its intention to get closer to schools, universities, as well as community and student organizations. BIOTROP collaboratively holds webinars with those stakeholders.

The first BtS was held in 15 January 2021 with theme “Tissue Culture Techniques as A Source of Plant Seedlings”, while the second BtS was held in 16 January 2021 with theme “Millenial Challenges Faced by Students in the Industry Era 4.0”. Both BtS resulted in collaborative plans to conduct mutual activities to increase students’ capabilities.

The third BtS with theme “Modern Biology” with Ms Dewi Rahmawati, SSi, MSi as resource person and Mr Saiful Bahri, SSi as moderator was participated by 89 online participants from research institutions, government institutions, schools, universities and general public.

In opening this event, Dr Perdinan, the Deputy Director for Administration of SEAMEO BIOTROP stated that it is important to create fun environment, so that students can be more active and creative in exploring a topic of interest. SEAMEO BIOTROP BtS program is in line and support the Merdeka Belajar and Kampus Merdeka Programs of the MoEC by embracing eductors to become initiators in advancing the learning process. Subsequently, Dr Perdinan shared his hopes that the topic of Modern Biology in this 3 rd BtS will support the active and independent learning system in schools and will initiate beneficial network with SEAMEO BIOTROP.

In her presentation, Ms Dewi Rahmawati, SSi, MSi explained that the broad range of modern biology consists of many diciplines and subdiciplins, such as the theory of cell, energy, ecology and environment, systematics of biology, evolution and genetics. She further explained that the development of modern biology is interlinked with many types of business which support human welfare, such as in the field of food, husbandry, industry, and health.

Ms Dewi also shared that many skilled personnels are needed in various fields of modern biology to run biology-related business worldwide. She also explained that biotechnology is very potential for increasing the quality of human life and elevating human welfare, in the fields of agriculture, food, industry, health and environment. For example application of biotechnology in producing banana that is resistant to Fusarium sp., carrier of hepatitis vaccine, potato that is resistant to fungi and nematodes, carrier of cholera vaccine, and cotton resistant to lepidoptera pest.

At the end of the webinar, it is proposed to establish a portal of virtual biology laboratory in BIOTROP, which consists of various aspects of Modern Biology, such as Genetics Engineerig, that can be accessed by students. This proposal is greatly appreciated due to its linkages with the Digital Learning Media initiative.


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