Monday, 16 June 2014 on 2:31am

BIOTROP, IPB Hold Public Seminar on Mega Diversity of Southeast Asia

BIOTROP, in collaboration  with the Bogor Agricultural University (IPB),  featured four speakers during its third quarterly public seminar on the general theme “Mega Diversity in the Tropics of Southeast Asia:  Why and How to Regard Them” which was held on 4 June 2014 at IPB, Bogor.

The speakers and their topics were Dr. Rika Rafiudin on Animal Diversity, Prof. Dr. Aris Tri Wahyudi on Microbe Diversity, and Dr. Drh. Agus Setiyono on Disease Diversity, all lecturers from IPB, and Dr. Jupikely James Silip on Plant Diversity, from Faculty of Sustainable Agriculture, Universiti Malaysia Sabah. 

Coordinated by Dr. Ir. Akhmad Endang Zainal Hasan from IPB, the seminar was generally aimed to (1) share knowledge about biodiversity of tropical plants, animals, microbes and the diseases associated with them, and (2) discuss options on how to regard them properly especially the diseases associated with them. 

In opening the seminar, SEAMEO BIOTROP Director Dr. Bambang Purwantara emphasized the importance of understanding the mega diversity of Southeast Asia and the role that the academe plays to help conserve and utilize them sustainably. He also introduced SEAMEO BIOTROP’s joint research program to the participants which is aimed at promoting scientific collaborations among government research and academic institutions towards addressing common development concerns among Southeast Asian countries. Dr. Silip and Dr. Ir. Akhmad Endang Zainal Hasan are recipients of the Centre’s joint research program grant this year.  Their research project is on “Biodiversity and Antiproliferation Activities of Indonesian Java Chilli, Piper retrofractum Vahl. Against Breast Cancer Cells (MCF-7)”.

The seminar was attended by 94 lecturers, researchers, and post graduate students from IPB, Indonesian Center for Agricultural Biotechnology and Genetic Resources BB Biogen, Indonesian Institute of Sciences and SEAMEO BIOTROP. Dr. Jhon Acton from IPB Faculty of Biochemistry moderated the seminar.

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