Friday, 15 July 2011 on 10:27am

SEAMEO BIOTROP shapes up its 9th Five-Year Development Plan

SEAMEO BIOTROP generated the major components for its 9th Five-Year (2012-2017) Development Plan  (FYDP) during a strategic planning workshop with stakeholders held on 21-22 June 2011 at its headquarter in Bogor, Indonesia.

The two-day workshop was aimed to solicit perspectives from relavant partner- institutions towards formulating more relevant strategies, program thrusts, and initiatives for the Centre’s 9th FYDP.  It was attended by 45 participants including 18 representatives from invited organizations consisting of government ministries, international organizations based in Indonesia, SEAMEO centres in Indonesia, and private companies as well as the Centre’s directors, unit heads and scientists.

Through plenary sessions and small group discussions, the workshop enabled  SEAMEO BIOTROP to (a) validate its preferred scenario for the next five years which was formulated during its internal workshop in March 2011; (b) redefine its vision and mission statements; (c) refine its central strategy statements; (d) formulate objectives for the central strategy statements; (e) formulate its program thrusts; (f) identify its major stakeholders; and (g) identify specific initiatives in relation to the central strategies and the perceived needs of stakeholders.
During the Opening Program, SEAMEO BIOTROP Director Dr Bambang Purwantara emphasized the importance of  the workshop as a milestone in developing the Centre’s 9th FYDP in terms of having the involvement of partner-institutions.  He expressed his appreciation to the following organizations that participated in the workshop, namely: SEAMEO Regional Open Learning Centre (SEAMOLEC), SEAMEO Regional Centre for Food and Nutrition (RECFON), SEAMEO Regional Centre for Quality Improvement of Teaching Personnel in Science (QITEP), Ministry of National Education, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, Directorate General of Higher Education, ASEAN Secretariat, Bogor Agriculture University, the World Agroforestry Centre-Southeast Asia Regional Office ICRAF-SEARO), Indonesia Mining Rehabilitation Forum, and former directors and deputy directors of SEAMEO BIOTROP.  On the other hand, Dr. Dadang Sudiyarto, Head of Financial Planning and Budgeting of the Directorate General of Higher Education, and Dr. Wahdi S.A. Yudi, Head of the Bureau of Planning and International Cooperation of the Ministry of National Education of Indonesia delivered inspirational messages and expressed support to the successful implementation of SEAMEO BIOTROP’s 9th FYDP.

The workshop was facilitated by Dr. Agus Maulana, a lecturer at the Graduate Program Program in Managemnt and Business of the Bogor Agricultural University.  PT Khairan Arya Sejahtera, an event organizer, provided the logistical support during the workshop.

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