Monday, 27 July 2009 on 4:05am

Training on Retrieval of Digital Library Documents

Do you have trouble in collecting specific information published in an electronic journal/book or other documents?  How do we use the search engines in order to obtain the desired information?  These and other related questions will be discussed in a two-day Training Course on Retrieval of Digital Library Documents to be held on 28 and 29 July 2009 at SEAMEO BIOTROP, Bogor.

Information and communication technology especially the internet rapidly changed. Information and current news could be retrieved very quickly and easily through internet (World Wide Web or www). The same is the case with library documents.  Various kinds of library documents such as scientific papers, journals, and even electronic books (e-book) could be retrieved via the internet. To find the appropriate desired information a good search and retrieval method is needed. This training is aimed to give general information about the internet, browsers, to search and retrieve digital documents.  Materials to be taught cover tips and tricks to conduct accurate and quick retrieval as well as of the web list which contains information on electric books and journals. 

It is hoped that after attending the training participants will have the skill how to use the search engines in order to obtain the desired information.  In addition, the use of internet media to conduct retrieval of digital library documents will support their teaching and research activities.

The training is organized by the Information Resource Unit of SEAMEO BIOTROP and to be participated by teaching staff of the Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) and other agricultural research institutions in Bogor.

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