Friday, 06 July 2012 on 7:28am

BIOTROP Co-organizes a National Seminar and Training on Issues and Models of Agricultural, Fisheries and Forestry-Based Ex-Mined Land Reclamation

SEAMEO BIOTROP collaborated with the Postgraduate Students Forum of the Institute Pertanian Bogor (IPB) and the Forum for Forest Reclamation on Ex-mined Land (FRHLBT) to conduct a National Seminar and Training on Problematic and Model of Agricultural, Fisheries and Forestry-Based Ex-Mined Land Reclamation. The seminar was held on 21 June 2012 at Andi Hakim Nasution Auditorium of IPB while the training on 22-23 June 2012 at  SEAMEO BIOTROP in  Bogor.

While  Indonesia’s mining resources are enormous, the mining sector should nevertheless managed them effectively not just for profit but also for ensuring social and environmental gains.  Thus, forest reclamation on ex-mined land is a must to all mining companies.  This increases the need to train more professional human resources to carry out such activity.  The seminar and training was aimed to address this need by providing theoretical and practical knowledge and skills to the participants on the techniques of reclamation of ex-mined land for eventual application in the field.  The participants and speakers received received from BIOTROP free copies of the book entitled ‘Silviculture Techniques for Reclamation of Ex-mined Land’ written by its Deputy Director for Resources Management, Dr. Irdika Mansur.

The lecturers and topics discussed during the training were as follows:
1. Dr. Ir. Yadi Setiadi, M.Sc.
Concept of restoration of ex-mined land  for establishment of plantation forest

2. Dr. Luki Abdullah
Compost and composting management and utilization for ex-mined land

3. Dr. Ir. Nur Bambang Priyo Utomo, M.Si
Management of acid mine water for fisheries activities
4. Dr. Ir. Suwandi
Morphological, physical, chemical and biological characteristics of soils

5. Dr. Kukuh Nirmala, M.Sc
Model of utilization of mine pit lakes for fisheries activities

6. Dr. Dyah Tjahyandari
Measurement and prevention of erosion on ex-mined land

7. Dr. Ir. D.P.T Baskoro
Concept of soil quality engineering and improvement

8. Dr. Ir. Widiatmaka, DAA
Feasibility and evaluation of ex-mined land for agriculture,  fisheries and forestry development

On the other hand, the seminar had the following lecturers and topics:
1. Dr. Ir. Irdika Mansur, M.For.Sc
Reclamation of ex-mined land for forestry, agriculture, fisheries and animal husbandry purposes

2. Mr. Jeffrey Mulyono 
Regulations on reclamation of ex-mined land to improve forest conservation

3. Dr. Ir. Marzuki Iswandi, M.Si
The role of higher education institutions as Control of Change on mining activities to support the agriculture, fisheries and forestry sectors

4. Ir. Bambang Susigit, MT 
The potency and future challenges of current mining activities in Indonesia

The seminar and training were attended by 120 and 37 participants, respectively coming from various mining companies, local governments, and academe including postgraduate students.

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