SEAQIS Celebrates 15th Anniversary with Climate Change Exhibition in Jakarta: SEAMEO BIOTROP Participates in Mitigation and Adaptation Efforts Thursday, 25 July 2024 on 3:59pm

SEAQIS Celebrates 15th Anniversary with Climate Change Exhibition in Jakarta: SEAMEO BIOTROP Participates in Mitigation and Adaptation Efforts

In celebration of its 15th anniversary, SEAMEO QITEP in Science (SEAQIS) hosted a Seminar, Talk Show, and Climate Change Education Exhibition in Jakarta on July 15, 2024, at Plaza Insan Berprestasi, Building A, 1st Floor, Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology. The event was attended by various SEAMEO Centres, including SEAMEO BIOTROP, SEAMEO CECCEP, SEAQIS, SEAQIM, SEAQIL, SEAMEO RECFON, SEAMOLEC, as well as schools from elementary to secondary levels and SEAQIS partners.

This event aimed to provide clear and accurate information about climate change to participants and policymakers, encouraging active participation in climate change mitigation and adaptation efforts.

The event began with a welcome address and report by the Acting Director of SEAQIS, Mr. Zuhe Safitra. The exhibition was officially opened with a ribbon-cutting ceremony by the Secretary of the Directorate General of Teachers and Education Personnel, Mr. Temu Ismail, S.Pd., M.Si., accompanied by VIP guests and SEAQIS Board of Directors members.

During the seminar and Q&A session, which focused on the implementation of climate change education in the learning process, Mr. Ryco Farysca Adi, S.Si., served as the keynote speaker, replacing Dr. Perdinan, who was unavailable. The panel talk show also featured four teachers from International-Based Schools (SBI) who shared their experiences.

SEAMEO BIOTROP participated by setting up an exhibition booth. Mrs. Sri Widayanti, Acting Deputy Director for Administration of SEAMEO BIOTROP, attended the event to support and celebrate SEAQIS's 15th anniversary. SEAMEO BIOTROP's presence not only showed support but also provided an opportunity to share information and programs related to climate change that have been implemented.

This event is expected to motivate concrete actions in climate change mitigation and adaptation across all levels of society. SEAMEO BIOTROP is proud to be part of this significant initiative and is committed to continuously supporting educational and environmental efforts in the future.(dy)

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