Eighty-two participants from mining companies,
research institutes, and universities attended the Workshop on Mine Reclamation and Mine Water Management-Best Practices in The UK and Indonesia on 28 April 2015 at BIOTROP headquarter in
The Workshop was acollaborative activity among BIOTROP; Aberystwyth University, UK; Western Carolina University, United States of America; Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB), Universitas Brawijaya (UB), Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), Universitas Diponegoro (Undip) and PT. Bukit Asam (Persero) Tbk., Indonesia. It was aimed to exchange experiences on the subject matter among the participants and eventually generate recommendations toward addressing issues and concerns and establishing collaborative activities. The workshop was funded by the British Council through Global Innovation Initiative (GII) Program.
BIOTROP Director Dr. Irdika Mansur officially opened the workshop. Present also during the opening ceremony were Prof Morag McDonald from Bangor University, Coordinator of GII Consortium; Mr. Antonius Agung, Section Head of Environmental Protection of Coal Mining Directorate Technical and Environment of Mineral and Coal Mining the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Republic Indonesia; and BIOTROP Board of Directors.
Topics discussed during the workshop were: 1. “Mine Environmental Management Policy in Indonesia” by Mr. Antonius Agung,; 2. “ Dealing with Chrome -6: PT. Vale Indonesia Experience” by Mr Steven Brown from PT Vale; 3. “Minewater Problems and Management at PT. Bukit Asam” by Mr. Ahmad Syarief from PT. Bukit Asam; 4. “ Minewater Problems and Management at PT Adaro Indonesia” by Mr Didik Triwibowo from PT Adaro Indonesia; 5. “ Minewater Problems and Management in The UK” by Dr William Perkins from Aberyswyth University and Dr Graham Bird from Bangor University; 6. “Large-Scale Composting for Site Reclamation-The UK Experience” by Prof Morag McDonald and Dr Paula Roberts from Bangor University. The workshop was coordinated by Dr Irdika Mansur and BIOTROP’s Capacity Building Unit.