Three photos from Indonesia bested 110 other entries from Brunei Darussalam, Malaysia, Philippines, Vietnam and Thailand to emerge as winners in BIOTROP’s First Annual Biodiversity Conservation Photo Competition which ran from July to November 2012 with the theme “The Beauty and Uniqueness of My Country’s Tropical Biodversity.”

This annual biodiversity conservation photo competition is BIOTROP’s way to usher greater public awareness and support to biodiversity efforts in Southeast Asia as one of its special initiatives under its 9th Five-Year Development Plan (FYDP 2012-2017). The Centre believes that the conservation of the region’s biodiversity is everyone’s responsibility and photo competition is one practical way for anyone to recognize the region’s unique and rich biological resources and understand their real values toward having more meaningful conservation efforts. The competition is also expected to surface biodiversity conservation concerns from the public’s perspectives that need more policy and research interventions and financial support from governments and development organizations.
The competition’s judges were Dr. Sharifah Zarah Syed Ahmad (Malaysia), Mr. Hoi Kee YIP (Singapore) and Mr. Rendra Almaitzer (Indonesia).
The winning entries were announced and exhibited during BIOTROP’s 45th Anniversary celebration on February 6, 2013 held at its Convention Hall in Bogor.