Tuesday, 30 August 2016 on 7:28am

BIOTROP conducts 3<sup>rd</sup> Regional Training Course on Management of Invasive Alien Plant Species

Twenty-eight researchers and lecturers representing various government and nongovernmental agencies and academic institutions from Timor Leste, UK, Malaysia, and Indonesia are currently undergoing a regional training course on the Management of Invasive Alien Plant Species which started 29 August 2016 at the Centre’s headquarter in Bogor.

Dr Arief Sabdo Yuwono, BIOTROP Deputy Director for Resource Management, said in his welcome remarks that the issues on invasive alien plant species (IAPS) are characteristically international or regional, therefore cooperation among the participants’ country, especially in the Southeast Asian Region, is called for. He also emphasized that since Southeast Asian countries are gearing toward the ASEAN Economic Community, more active economic activities will also increase the probability of invasive alien plant species movement that must be anticipated to overcome the possible negative impact.

The six-day training course which will end on 3 September 2016 is designed to enhance the existing knowledge and skills of the participants and, at the same time, strengthen their linkages in working towards a more integrated effort in the management and control of IAPS in the region.

At the end of the training, the participants are expected to have:
  1. Gained knowledge on the recent advances in the concept of invasive alien plant species management.
  2. Acquired skill in developing experimental technique for integrated management of invasive alien plant species.
  3. Developed an action plan on either conducting a research project or integrating the concepts and principles of managing invasive alien plant species in university curriculum.

The training consists of lecture-discussions, and practical works in the laboratory and in the field. The field works will be carried out in cooperation with the Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park.

Dr. Arief also also launched the latest book of BIOTROP titled “75 Important Invasive Plant Species in Indonesia” during the opening ceremony. The book was written by Dr. Sri Sudarmiyati Tjitrosoedirdjo, Dr. Soekisman Tjitrosoedirdjo, and Drs Imam Mawardi based on their experiences in conducting research and field works, observing the herbarium specimens, and organizing training courses on weeds and Invasive Alien Plant Species. The illustrations of front and back covers are water color drawing by Mr. Satiri, the Centre’s botanical illustrator. BIOTROP will give a copy of this book to all participants on the last day of the training.

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