Monday, 09 August 2010 on 12:54am

Summer Course 2010 Tackles Climate Change Policies toward Low Carbon Society

Master of Science in Information Technology for Natural Resources Management (M.Sc. in IT for NRM), Bogor Agricultural University, in cooperation with the Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation (IDEC) and Hiroshima University’s Center for Environmental Cooperation (HICEC) are implementing the Summer Course on ‘Development within a low carbon world: Participatory Approaches in Planning and Implementing Climate Change Policies’. The course is being conducted at SEAMEO BIOTROP Campus, Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia from August 5 to 13, 2010.

The IDEC and HICEC invite ten IDEC master and PhD course students under the Global Environmental Leaders (GELs) Program and ten IDEC alumni to participate in this course. The M.Sc. in IT for NRM invites twenty of their PhD course students and local experts in Indonesia to attend this course.

In the Summer Course 2010, the organizing committee highlights forestry management and planning and implementation of climate policies for city as cases for the potential application of PAs. The topics included in the course are given below:

1.    Brief overview of recent international negotiations and developments in the science of climate change including Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation (REDD) and Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) (3 hours).
2.     Rational and relevance of PAs for climate change adaptation and mitigation in developing countries (6 hours).
3.    Tools and techniques in PAs and the mechanisms to apply them, with a summary of successes and failures learnt from the past experiences of PAs in forestry management and city climate policy (9 hours).
4.    Role of academe and scientific research in multi stakeholders collective action through PAs (3 hours).
5.    Existing challenges in forestry management and climate change policies planning and implementation in national and city level in the context of Indonesia as case studies (12 hours).

By utilizing all the materials and contents of the lectures, the participants are required to formulate a country specific guideline on PAs for Indonesia case of forestry management and climate change policies for cities (12 hours).

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