SEAMEO BIOTROP, IPB University, and ICMI Plants 3500 Mangrove and 7 Rare Tree Species in Ketapang Urban Aquaculture Wednesday, 28 December 2022 on 2:02pm

SEAMEO BIOTROP, IPB University, and ICMI Plants 3500 Mangrove and 7 Rare Tree Species in Ketapang Urban Aquaculture

SEAMEO BIOTROP, IPB University, and ICMI Plants 3500 Mangrove and 7 Rare Tree Species in Ketapang Urban Aquaculture

The Association of Alumni of IPB (HA IPB), SEAMEO BIOTROP, IPB University, Ikatan Cendekiawan Muslim Indonesia (ICMI), and other parties collaborated in the planting of mangroves and rare Indonesian trees on Tuesday, 27 December  2022. In this activity, 3,500 mangroves and seven types of rare Indonesian trees were planted in the Ketapang Urban Aquaculture (KUA) Tangerang area.

The implementation of the mangrove and rare tree planting activity is considered very strategic not only because of its close location to the capital city of Indonesia but also because it is carried out along with the emerging issue of carbon storage. Mangrove and rare Indonesian trees are considered as the essential carbon storage and, therefore, simultaneous planting of mangrove and rare trees will significantly contribute to lowering carbon emissions.

At least there are four strategic objectives of the mangrove and rare tree planting program, i.e. environmental education, emission absorption, multi-party collaboration, and rare tree conservation. These four goals will be achieved in one activity and it is hoped that in the future there will be more multi-party collaborations that can support the mangroves and rare Indonesian trees.

According to Dr Zulhamsyah Imran, Director of SEAMEO BIOTROP, the mangrove conservation program in KUA was started in 2018. Now, four years later, the area has become a source of pride, not only for Tangerang District but also nationally. He also hopes that the National Movement for Planting Mangroves and Rare Indonesian Trees will be able to grow even more.

The community is already familiar with the mutually beneficial relationship between the presence of mangroves and fish and crabs. In a good mangrove habitat, there will be plenty of food for fish and crabs. In addition, the presence of good mangroves will prevent large waves from reaching the land. Therefore, mangroves are often called sustainable shields for the community from the threat of waves and tsunamis.

Unfortunately, mangroves in Indonesia are currently experiencing severe damage. The 3.5 million hectares of mangroves in Indonesia have suffered more than 50% damage. This damage is caused by some parties, threatening the safety of the community and certainly threatening the wildlife that lives in the mangrove habitat.

According to various research, the carbon reserves of mangroves are very high, especially for mangrove soil carbon. This is what makes many parties pay attention to the issue of blue carbon, which is a campaign to increase awareness of the importance of mangrove forests in reducing carbon emissions.

The planting of rare Indonesian trees and mangroves is a great contribution to the protection and conservation of Indonesian biodiversity. Some of the rare trees that will be planted are ebony (Diospyros celebica), a characteristic plant of Sulawesi, ulin (Eusideroxylon zwageri), a characteristic plant of Kalimantan, kepuh (Sterculia foetida), nyamplung (Calophyllum inophyllum), kemang (Mangifera kemanga), forest mango (Garcinia sp), and buni (Antidesma bunius). These rare trees are a gift from SEAMEO BIOTROP, the Association of Alumni of IPB, and IPB University to the Tangerang District Government.

In addition to the mangrove and rare Indonesian tree planting activity, SEAMEO BIOTROP also held a coloring contest for kindergarten and elementary school children.

Through this activity, children can learn the importance of preserving the environment and appreciating its biodiversity. This activity can also help to develop children's creativity and imagination, as well as increase their ability to express their ideas and thoughts through art. The coloring activity was attended by 65 students from 10 kindergartens and elementary schools in the Ketapang Urban Aquaculture area. (hcn).

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