Monday, 24 July 2017 on 5:13am

BIOTROP's Deputy Director for Resource Management Earns Professorship at IPB

Prof. Dr. Arief Sabdo Yuwono, BIOTROP Deputy Director for Resource Management, received his appointment as Professor in Environmental Engineering from The Minister of Research, Technology and Higer Education on 1 March 2017.

Besides being a lecturer at the Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB) and BIOTROP Deputy Director, Prof. Arief also assumes responsibility as Head of the Research Group on Air Quality and Climate Change of IPB’s Center for Environmental Research since 2010, and the Environmental Engineering Division of IPB’s Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering since 2011.

Prof. Arief obtained his MS degree in Environmental Sanitation from University of Gent, Belgium, in 1996 and PhD degree in Agricultural Engineering from Institut fur Landtechnik, University of Bonn, Germany, in 2003. He started his teaching and research career in Agriculture Technology as a lecturer at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture Technology of IPB. His fields of expertise include environmental sanitation engineering, environmental science, air quality and noise management, and waste management technology. He has authored and co-authored three books published by IPB Press and 41 articles in local and international journals as well as several articles in proceedings and technical publications from 1998 until 2017. BIOTROP also published his book titled “Treatment and Utilization of Agricultural Waste” in 2016, with Mr. Yoga Armando as co-author.

Currently, Prof Arief and his colleagues are conducting two research projects, namely: 1) Development of Emission Factors for Dustfall and Suspended Particulate, and 2) A Simulation Model of Composting of Organic Municipal Solid Waste in A Bioreactor.

Prof. Arief has also been recognized in Indonesia for his research accomplishments for making it into the “106 Indonesian Innovation 2014” for his research project on Development of Dustfall Canister and “Indonesian Innovation 2013” for his research project on Wireless Detection System of Nitrogen Dioxide Gas Based Photonic Crystal Sensor and Beer Lambert Effect provided by Business Innovation Center and supported by Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education of Indonesia. He has also been named as an Excellent Lecturer in both faculty and university levels at IPB for three years (2014-2016). He also received a research grant for Design and Performance Test of Dustfall Canister project from Osaka Gas Foundation 2013.

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