Tuesday, 03 May 2011 on 4:04am

SEAMEO BIOTROP and Kasetsart University formalize 3-year collaboration

A three-year Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between SEAMEO BIOTROP and Kasetsart University (KU) took effect on 27 April 2011 during a simple signing ceremony held at KU Faculty of Forestry. In general, both parties agree to engage in (1) joint implementation of research, training and information exchange  programmes, projects and other related activities whenever and wherever feasible opportunities present themselves; and (2) staff and student exchange and consultations on relevant research, training, and other learning events.

During the signing ceremony, SEAMEO BIOTROP was represented by Dr. Bambang Purwantara and Dr. Jesus C. Fernandez, Director and Deputy Director, respectively.  On the other hand, KU was represented by Dr. Somsakdi, Director for International Affairs, Dr. Wanchai Arunpraparat and Dr. Dr. Damrong Pipatwattanakul, Dean and Vice Dean of Faculty of Forestry, respectively.  Among the proposed activities identied during the meeting for implementation included the following:

1 Regional Seminar-Workshop on Landscape Restoration of Ex-Mining Sites in 2012
2 Joint research on GIS and Remote Sensing Mapping of Carbon-rich Forest Ecosystem in Indonesia and Thailand in 2012-2013
3 Research Assistantship for interested KU MS and/or PhD students who have related thesis topics with BIOTROP scientists’ research projects throughout the MoU period
4 Recruitment of Thai students for BIOTROP’s Master’s Program in Information Technology for Natural Resources Management throughout the MoU
5 Study tour program for teachers and lecturers of Indonesian agricultural schools in Thailand in 2012
6 Visiting Scientists Program for KU faculty members at BIOTROP throughout the MoU period
7 Publication of relevant research works of KU faculty members in BIOTROPIA Journal.

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