MOMI CLOUDIA SERIES 8: Establishing and Developing Research Management System Wednesday, 25 August 2021 on 12:25pm

MOMI CLOUDIA SERIES 8: Establishing and Developing Research Management System

SEAMEO BIOTROP and the Center for Coastal and Marine Resource Studies of Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB) shared their ideas on “Establishing and Developing Research Management System” on 25 August 2021, through the 8th MOMI CLOUDIA event.  The resource person was Prof Ir Tridoyo Kusumastanto, MS, PhD, who presented his slides titled  “System Management Transformation in Research Institution”.

Prof Tridoyo shared his knowledge in institutional transformation based on his experiences in transforming the Center for Coastal and Marine Resource Studies into an internationally acknowledged research institution. “It is important to appreciate the changes with a moving-forward mindset, so that the changes can become a positive transformation, to create new values”, said Prof Tridoyo.  “Change is a certainty and it is a challenge for a better cause,” he further emphasized.

Institution transformation is best if based on networking among education, research, service and practice with the support from human resources, along with entrepreneurship spirit and capabilities to form new visions and values. The networking should be done in national, regional and international levels. The transformation process includes 4 important steps, i.e., dream, discover, design, and deliver.  These stages are to be carried out in terms of current and future point of views.  Institutional transformation must also provide significant impacts to the national development. In this essence, multidisciplinary collaborations as well as inclusions of digital technologies to develop digital workplace are among the ultimate factors to achieve the best institutional transformation. (sis)

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