SEAMEO BIOTROP, Pangasinan State University Initiate Collaboration in Coastal and Terrestrial Land Use Wednesday, 27 July 2022 on 8:49am

SEAMEO BIOTROP, Pangasinan State University Initiate Collaboration in Coastal and Terrestrial Land Use

On 12 July 2022 a team of representatives from the Pangasinan State University visited SEAMEO BIOTROP.  The team was led by Dr Paulo V. Cenas, the Vice President for Research, Extension, Innovation, Gender and Development of the Pangasinan State University (PSU).  Mr. Bambang Sulistio, the Manager of the Human Resources and Administration Department of SEAMEO BIOTROP welcomed the team by sharing a brief introduction on SEAMEO BIOTROP.


In this event, Dr Paolo from the PSU mentioned that this visit is an initiation for establishing a collaboration in sustainable use of coastal and terrestrial ecosysytem.  He also mentioned that he welcomes SEAMEO BIOTROP’s idea to hold a mini workshop on the Sustainable Use and Ecosystem Services in Coastal and Terrestrial Area, during the PSU visit to SEAMEO BIOTROP.


After the introductional event, the PSU team was escorted to visit the Entomology, Natural Product and the Biosystem and Landscape Management Laboratories.  The PSU team also visited the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science at Dramaga Campus of the IPB University as well as salt industries in Indramayu. (asa, sis).

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