Thursday, 01 July 2010 on 2:56am

National Workshop Focuses on Management of Weeds and Invasive Alien Plant Species

The one-day National Workshop on Management of Weeds and Invasive Alien Plant Species was held on 18 June 2010 at BIOTROP, Bogor. This event was organized by SEAMEO BIOTROP.

At the opening session, welcome remarks were delivered by Dr. Bambang Purwantara, BIOTROP Director and Ir. Utami Handayani MS., Deputy Assistant for Biodiversity Affairs of the Indonesian Ministry of Environment who officially opened the workshop. In his remarks BIOTROP director emphasized on the importance of studying weeds and invasive alien plant species. Since the establishment of BIOTROP in 1968, weeds are being studied, while currently researches are also focused on invasive alien plant species. Ir. Utami Handayani MS. stated that Indonesia has ratified CBD (Convention on Biodiversity) through law no 5/1994 and it is our concern to protect our biodiversity.

About 87 participants coming from Universities, Research Institutes, National Park, members of the Indonesian Weed Science Society, Agrochemical Companies and the participants of the Training Course on the management of Weeds and Invasive Alien Plant Species attended the Workshop.

The workshop was designed to discuss recent development in the management of weeds and Invasive Alien Plant Species; and to serve as a forum for exchange of information among the audience.

The following 12 papers were presented and discussed in 2 sessions:
Session I: Chaired by Dr. Nanik Sriyanti M.Sc.

1.    Invasion Process and Prospects of Invasive Alien Plant Species Management, by Dr. Soekisman Tjitrosemito, President of the Weed Science Society of Indonesia.
2.    Threat of Invasive Alien Plant Species in Grazing Fields of Nusa Tenggara Timur, by Dr. Eko Budi Widayanto of Nusa Cendana University, Kupang
3.    Invasive Species : Merremia peltata in Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park, by Ir. Adi Susmianto, M.Sc. and  Ir. Ragil Irianto of  Forest and Nature Conservation  Research and Development  Center.
4.    IAS in Gede- Pangrango National Park : Policy, Status, and IAS Management Strategy, by Drh. Indra Eksploitasia of the Gede –Pangrango National Park
5.    Concept of Control Policy of Invasive Alien Species in Indonesia, by Dr. ir. Catur Putra Budiman of Agriculture Quarantine Service
6.    The Need for Risk Analysis of Weeds in Indonesia, by Dr. Soetikno Slamet Sastroutomo of CABI International and MARDI, Malaysia.

Session II: Chaired by Prof. Dr. Ardi

7.    Study of Invasive Alien Plant Species in Gede-Pangrango National Park, West Java, by Drs. Tahan Uji and Dr. Sunaryo of the Center for Biology Research and Development,  Indonesian Institute of Sciences
8.    Short Notes on Indonesian Alien Plant Species in Logged-Over Forest Areas, by Dr. Kuswata Kartawinata, Research Associare, Botany Dept., The Field Museum, Chicago, Illinois, USA/Herbarium Bogoriense, Indonesian Institute of Sciences.
9.    Prospects of Biocontrol of Invasive Alien Plant Species, by Dr. Soekisman Tjitrosemito,  President of the Weed Science Society of Indonesia
10.    Problems of Weed management in Cacao Plantations, Center Sulawesi, by Prof. Dr. Mahfudz, of Faculty of Agriculture, Tadulako University, Palu
11.    Biodiversity of Invasive Alien Plant Species in Oil Palm Plantations, by Ir.  Dedi Purnomo, Jully Wohlfahrt and Jean Piere Caliman of SMART Research Institute Division  (SMARTTRI)
12.    Weed Management in oil Palm Plantations, by Tuani Dzulfikar S. Rambe, S.Si. of SMART Research  Institute Division (SMARTTRI)

Based on the presentations and discussions the following conclusions were made:
•    The government should prepare the rules as a guide to tackle problems on Invasive Alien Plant Species
•    Invasive Alien Species management should involve inter-sectorial/ministries
•    It should be supported by funds, national as well as international cooperation to carry out research, rehabilitation, etc.
•    Determination of priorities as control target of Invasive Alien Species should cover aspects on ecology, economy and health
•    To intensify communication of involved parties in Invasive Alien Species Management among others through mail list, workshops/trainings or other scheduled meetings
•    The strategy for Invasive Alien Species Management should cover : preparation of accurate database and  control methods

The workshop was coordinated by Dr. Sri S. Tjitrosoedirdjo, BIOTROP senior scientist.

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