SEAMEO BIOTROP Enhances Competence with In-House Training on ISO/IEC 17025:2017 and Internal Audi Tuesday, 25 July 2023 on 10:31am

SEAMEO BIOTROP Enhances Competence with In-House Training on ISO/IEC 17025:2017 and Internal Audi

SEAMEO BIOTROP recently conducted a two-day In-House Training on ISO/IEC 17025:2017 and Internal Audit at its premises in Ruang Jati on July 17-18, 2023. The training aimed to empower employees with a comprehensive understanding and practical implementation of ISO/IEC 17025:2017 standards.

To ensure the competence, impartiality, and consistent operation of its testing laboratories, SEAMEO BIOTROP had previously achieved ISO/IEC 17925:2005 accreditation in 2006 by the National Accreditation Committee (KAN - Komite Akreditasi Nasional). The institution has continued to maintain and update its certification in accordance with ISO/IEC 17025:2017 standards.

The training featured esteemed resource persons who guided the participants through various topics. Mr. Arif Nuryadin, B.Sc, delved into General Requirements, Structured Requirements, Resources Requirements, and Equipment and Personnel. Mr. Budi Cahyadi, S.Si, shared insights on Process Requirements and Laboratory Equipment. Ms. Santi Ambarwati, M.Si, covered the areas of Resource Requirements: Metrological Traceability of External Service Providers, Management Requirements, and Internal Audit.

The program combined classroom lectures with practical simulations of internal audits, an essential component for certification. Participants, totaling 30 individuals, mainly comprised civil servants and non-civil servant personnel (PNS and PPNPN) from SEAMEO BIOTROP, particularly those involved in the institution's laboratory services.

Through this comprehensive training, SEAMEO BIOTROP continues to bolster its commitment to excellence, ensuring the highest quality standards in its laboratory operations. By equipping its workforce with the necessary expertise, the institution remains at the forefront of scientific research and service delivery.

#SEAMEOBIOTROP #InHouseTraining #ISO17025 #InternalAudit #LaboratoryExcellence #ScientificResearch

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