Thursday, 12 December 2013 on 8:40am

BIOTROP Organizes TC on Diplomatic Protocols and Emceeing Techniques

SEAMEO BIOTROP conducted a Training Course on Diplomatic Protocols and Emceeing Techniques on 26-28 November 2013 at its headquarter in Bogor, Indonesia.  The training was aimed to improve capacities of organizations in providing appropriate services to their visitors and effectively handling their ceremonial programs.

During the opening program BIOTROP Deputy Director for Resource Management, Dr . Irdika Mansur, gave the welcome address wherein he stressed to the participants the importance of observing appropriate protocols and emceeing as these would create lasting impressions on their respective organizations.

The training was attended by 15 staff members from 4 SEAMEO Centres in Indonesia (i.e., BIOTROP, RECFON, QITEP in Science and Language), academic institutions, government agencies and private sectors in Bogor City, Batam and Jakarta.

After attending this training, the participants were expected to (a) have gained full understanding of  the duties and functions of the protocol officers  and master of ceremonies, (b) acquired the knowledge and skills in preparation of  itineraries for guests and scripts for emceeing, and (c) developed self-confidence and team spirit in coordinating and implementing guest service activities and ceremonies.

Resource persons during the training were Hj . Indrawati Azron shah, former head of BIOTROP Information and Training Center; Ms.  Cecelia Koswara, Senior Staff of the Bogor Palace Presidential Household and Protocol Activities; and Irwan Luswandi,  Potocol staff of the   Bureau of Planning and International Cooperation of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Indonesia.  The training course was organized by BIOTROP’s General Administration and Public Relations Department. (YK/JF)

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