Friday, 03 July 2015 on 8:55am

BIOTROP's affiliate scientist participates in International Symposium - Final Workshop of CRC 990 and Annual Conference of the Society for Tropical Ecology

Dr Sri S. Tjitrosoedirdjo, BIOTROP’s affiliate scientist, participated in the International Symposium-Final Workshop of CRC 990 held in Goettingen University, Germany, 23-24 March 2015 and Annual Conference of the Society for Tropical Ecology in ETZ Zurich, Switzerland, 7-10 April 2015.

Dr  Sri is the Indonesian counterpart of the project B06 and B12 of CRC990/EFFoRT.  She was a co-author with other CRC 990 researchers for subproject paper titled “The Plant Genetic Diversity and Reproduction Strategies in Tropical Transformation Systems”which was presented during the Symposium. Dr  Sri and Ms. Indah Wahyuni, BIOTROP Herbarium staff, got ABS research funding at the first phase of the CRC 990 project, which includes biodiversity research, acces to genetic resources and benefit sharing.

While at Goettingen University, Dr Sri also gave a seminar presentation on “Invasive Plant Species in Indonesia,” emphasizing the studies at Bukit Barisan Selatan, Jambi National Park, Sumatera, for 15 staff and post graduate students of the Faculty of Forestry, Goettingen University on 31 March 2015. She also took the opportunity to visit several laboratories related to her research and discussed the second phase of the CRC 990 project with Prof Dr Holger Kreft, the German counterpart of the B06 subproject and Prof Dr Elvira Hoerand of the B12 subproject.

On the other hand, Dr Sri’s participation at the Annual Conference of the Society for Tropical Ecology conducted in ETZ Zurich on 7-10 April 2015 was by presenting a poster titled “Distribution of Invasive Alien Plant Species and their Recommendation for Management Action at Bukit Duabelas and Vicinity, Jambi, Sumatera.” , with authors Indah Wahyuni, Setiabudi and Sri S. Tjitrosoedirdjo. The Annual Conference theme was on “Resilience of Tropical Ecosystems: Future Challenges and Opportunities.”

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